Good Idea? Pandemic flu viruses in vaccines and Scientists seek super-shot for flu 100 years after pandemic

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Some victims felt fine in the morning and were dead by night. Faces turned blue as patients coughed up blood. Stacked bodies outnumbered coffins.

A century after one of history's most catastrophic disease outbreaks, scientists are rethinking how to guard against another super-flu like the 1918 influenza that killed tens of millions as it swept the globe.

Anyone else find it rather odd we have a really bad flu season on the 100 year anniversary of the 1918 flu that kill 50 million people?

I'm not a vaccine expert but this article peaked my interest.

WHO swaps H1N1 for 2017-18 flu vaccine, recommends 2 new H7N9 viruses

Apparently a new swine flu virus was added along with three other "potential pandemic threats". I don't know how many potential pandemic virus have been in the past flu shots but it seems to me like these viruses may pose more of a danger to people than a normal flu virus. Maybe that is why we are hearing about so many healthy children and adults suddenly falling ill and dying.

California Mom, 40, Who Competed in Marathons Dies Two Days After Flu Diagnosis

I don't trust these vaccine makers I think they are playing with fire by trying to protect us from a 1918 pandemic flu and could very well spark a pandemic by injecting us with pandemic like flu virus where all it takes is one person to get the vaccine and their body doesn't respond to the it so they become a carrier and the virus mutates and becomes a global killer.

But researchers hope they're finally closing in on stronger flu shots, ways to boost much-needed protection against ordinary winter influenza and guard against future pandemics at the same time.

"We have to do better and by better, we mean a universal flu vaccine. A vaccine that is going to protect you against essentially all, or most, strains of flu," said Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health.

Labs around the country are hunting for a super-shot that could eliminate the annual fall vaccination in favor of one every five years or 10 years, or maybe, eventually, a childhood immunization that could last for life.

This will never happen, first the flu virus mutates to much so they can't even predict the virus for this years flu season and second the vaccine makers would loose billions of dollars a year if they made a vaccine that protected people for multiple years.

Back then, there was no flu vaccine — it wouldn't arrive for decades. Today vaccination is the best protection, and Fauci never skips his. But at best, the seasonal vaccine is 60 percent effective. Protection dropped to 19 percent a few years ago when the vaccine didn't match an evolving virus.

It wouldn't arrive for decades???

Are they saying the flu was a very rare event that didn't even happen on an annual basis? It kind of sound like they are saying that which means the flu shot is probably spreading the flu more than actually protecting people.

And again they admit the flu shot in ineffective and even more so these past few years. Probably because they added these pandemic virus to the mix that are making people drop like flies.

Sounds like soldiers from WWI brought the disease home and it spread rapidly because no one in the states or europe had any immunity to the virus.

Be weary of these flu shots folks. These pandemic viruses in them sound like bad news. I don't even think they have any long term studies on injecting people with these viruses given the fact that he H1N1 was added like a year or two after the big swine flu epidemic in Asia. Clearly a couple years of study is no where near long enough to deem something safe to inject into the body at lease I don't think so anyways.



I post about this all the time
They are making billions and we are dying by the millions
Trust drug thugs ? NOT !

Check out a few of my posts :)

I have never trusted vaccines but this distrust grew substantially a few years back during one of the pandemics that was taking place, where a company called Baxter International shipped hundreds of thousands of vaccines that were deems "ready for human use" to various countries in the world, vaccines which shortly after being sent out were recalled after by complete fluke a scientist doing a totally separate experiment got a hold of some of the Baxter vaccines prior to them being used on people and tested them on some ferrets, which all died after being injected. It was later found out that the Baxter vaccines contained LIVE BIRD FLU which had the capability to kill a full grown human without issue... This story was mostly swept under the rug at the time but started to become a bit more main-stream years later as more and more people started finding out about this.

Basically fuck vaccines...

Another story about these corrupt vaccine makers came out in Kenya a while back. Doctors there noticed an unusually increase in miscarriages and traced it back to vaccines that 'accidentally' had a female pregnancy hormone in them and the bodies immune system would associate this hormone with the virus and would cause the women to miscarriage basically the immune system would attack the fetus.

Just wow! They are trying to kill us

Agreed, and the world should be thankful for people such as Jane Burgermeister who was the one to originally bring this story to light (otherwise the public likely would have never even heard of this before).

Jane Burgermeister: Criminal Charges Concerning Bioterrorism Acts and Mass Murder
I am presenting evidence of acts of bioterrorism that are in violation of criminal law of the United States by a group operating within the United States under foreign direction, specifically under the direction of international bankers who control, among other financial institutions, the Federal Reserve, as well as international government organisations, specifically the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and NATO.
Evidence is presented that the complex of pharmaceutical companies of Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi Aventis are part of a foreign-based duel purpose bioweapons programme financed by the international criminal syndicate and designed to implement mass murder to reduce the world's population by as much as 5.5 billion, in the next ten years, to spread terror, to justify forcing people to give up their rights and mass quarantine in FEMA camps.

Bio: Jane Burgermeister is an Austrian scientific journalist who filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), the US government and several other organizations public health services such as the FDA , as well as several medical and pharmaceutical laboratories under the charge of creating false influenza pandemics to later administer dangerous vaccines in bulk. The complaint accuses these organizations and their representatives of committing several serious crimes in relation to bioterrorism , with the attempt of genocide, mass murder , coercion of constitutional bodies, high treason, among other charges.

I watched a video of a nurse saying the vaccine actually effects your immune system in a way that makes you more prone to get the flu each consecutive year after the first initial one.

That is my experience with the flu shot. First time I had the flu I was 5(probably got it from the flu shot) and never had the flu or anything close to it until 20 years later when I got a free flu shot at work. About a week later I was sicker than a dog for about 4 days. Years after that I did have the worst coughs and chest colds of my life. I definitely got sick from the flu shot and will never get one again.

The "Truth" is an experience !
Do people believe you ? Who cares ;)

People can choose to ignore reality !

But guess what they cannot ignore?
The consequences

Excellent information

Vaccines are the leading cause of lies and coincidences and a destroyer of honesty and humanity

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