Delayed clamping of umbilical cord could save thousands of premature babies' lives

in #health7 years ago

The deaths of tens of thousands of premature babies could be prevented with a simple technique that takes just 60 seconds at birth, a new study shows.

Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that delaying the clamping of a premature baby's umbilical cord by 60 seconds can dramatically increase its chances of survival.

They examined 18 trials involving about 2800 babies born before 37 weeks' gestation and found that delayed clamping slashed the relative risk of death in hospital by a third.

It seems pretty obvious having the umbilical cord still attached for a little while after birth is normal. Most Mammals don't automatically start chewing the umbilical cord off seconds after giving birth it could still be attached for several minutes after birth.

Also, if it's so beneficial for premie babies what about all babies? I would think the extra blood from the cord would be good for all babies and improve blood circulation and boosting of the immune system.

All and all this is an interesting study and if it can reduce the risk of death of these babies by a third you'd think all the insurance companies would jump on the Doctors to delay clamping for at least the premie babies because it would probably save them thousand of dollars per baby with no cost add other than the doctor sticking around an extra 60 seconds before they cut the cord.


Maybe eventually the insurance companies will start jumping on doctors about this. I think if it's a good thing that can save lives, then why not!

The hospitals all take those umbilical cords & cord blood & SELL THEM for a PROFIT !!!! Cord blood & the stem cells in it- miracle cures for certain disorders....

PLUS IT PUTS TRAUMA ON THE NEWBORN- helps to imprint the Newborn baby brain for TRAUMA.

I used to think all this TRAUMA at birth or infancy setting up the human brain to be RECEPTIVE to a lifetime of PAIN & TRAUMA was BS. But the older I've gotten & the more stuff I've heard over the years & THIS LAST TRAUMATIC PHYSICAL PAIN FILLED injury i had- really got me to thinking of just how much UNNECESSARY SUFFERING there is in this world.

This Lady (who has some personal issues of her own )- puts out some very good podcasts on BIRTH TRAUMA & NATURAL CHILDBIRTH-

she goes into Hospitals Stealing The Babies Umbilical Cord Blood from the Babies By Early Clamping - among many other issues-
Jeanice Barcelo -

Not only that, lots of others could be saved after a birth trauma (like when the child is not breathing after a rough birth that they created) as well as possibly prevent cancer and other illnesses later in life. There is also studies that show that if we all delay clamping, the need to give Vitamin K would be obsolete. The rabbit hole goes deep. Especially when you know that all this is done on purpose. Call me crazy, but I KNOW! Thank you again @wakeupnd

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