How Healthy Can You Eat in a Day? - Game, Idea, and Rewards

in #health7 years ago

Would you plan a day of the healthiest foods and full nutrition to earn STEEM and learn how to eat better?

Been thinking about some sort of health / food kind of game to be involved with cryptocurrency for some time now. Haven't found a good way to continue my initial thought until recently. Why not use steem and people can share menu ideas which may be rewarded based on complete daily nutrition and vitamins. This won't be an exact Science because we are all different and different understandings of health and wellness. You may see my recent post revisiting this idea and explaining and thinking through more.

Journey on steemit and evolving ideas: Giveaway / Market of UIAs and Game of Health / Wealth with rewards

Basic Game Idea

Submit a list of foods that you eat during one day. Serving size will be counted as one. List of basic common healthy foods will be supplied. This will provide basic choices that may help encourage people to eat. These lists will be reviewed / scored. The best one(s) will receive a reward. Maybe we could task people with writing a post about eating better for a bonus. Will provide some type of basic feedback in regards to best food or fulfilled vitamin / nutrition. Or the lowest nutritional food on a list that day. Or the lowest levels of nutrition or vitamins that could use being improved.

Daily Food / Menu Task

The task will be to make a list of healthy foods eaten during the day. A list of some of the most commonly found healthy foods for most people will be provided to help you on your way and provide suggestions. The list may serve as a way to try out other foods to improve your daily diet and you can see how one day compares to another of your or other people since this will be on the blockchain.

List of Foods

List of foods will be provided at some point to serve as example of foods that are most common found that are the healthiest. All the foods will be higher in different vitamin and nutrition. This is where part of the fun will come in with seeing how different food menu choices fair with respect to our need for daily nutrition and vitamins. Hopefully the food list may provide ideas to try and make another days selected foods for a healthier eating day.

Please feel to state in your interest in this game idea and I will work on getting it started. Thank you to everyone for your initial interest and feedback. Part of the proceeds will go towards the best chosen menu items. While part goes to management of this game. Then a building pool for the best menus of the week and/or month.

So for example you submit a list of about a dozen foods. Will look at the total nutrition and vitamins of the daily meal plan and note something like an approximate % of daily needs met. Whoever provides the healthiest meals will be rewarded a portion of the STEEM from the posts. Would like to incorporate some knowledge and learning as well as incentive for improving your eating habits.


Good idea!. It looks fun and with people from all over the world you can learn a lot. Ahead!!
Upvote and follow.

We are with you on this one. This will certainly become another hangout haven on steemit. Lot to learn!
Your so awesome but stop! Is it double or triple layered! We are here to see your progress and make sure you eat right! Wrote this reply eating a small Mac lol

@swolesome & big Mac = 0 points :)

Sounds like a cool project! Promoting Steemians to be healthy is always a good thing ;)

Thank you and I think so. :)

I eat lots of Spirulina and Chlorella to supplement my diet. One of the best super foods ever. Your post inspired my last one. ^^

Great!, Inspiration is part of the key by inspiring each other.

I saw that from your post. Is it difficult or expensive to get this in Dalian?

Well I can buy domestic Spirulina. China is actually the worlds second biggest cultivator after Hawaii, those places have the right climate. It's still not much cheaper though.

The reason I hesitate to use the Chinese one is Spirulina absorbs everything in its path as it grows. It also absorbs everything as it passes through your bloodstream. However, if it's growing outside, as it does in Sanya, China then the acid rain will fall on it and the Spirulina will absorb the mercury and other nastiness in the rain.

When it comes to Spirulina buying from a trusted source is most important, if possible try to get stuff grown indoors or using a photobioreactor, which is just a glass tank rather and outside pond.

Thanks for the information. Sounds like this supply chain is a good choice for blockchain use case. Sanya is a place i like to visit. ☺

I am 10 days into a low carb diet. I have lost 2 pounds the first week. I am newly diagnosed as a type 2, controlled by diet and 1 medication. Can you keep in mind people with special needs advice from their doctor?

Yes of course. It is not an exact Science. Part of why I wanted feedback. maybe reward such a case for improving your diet and maybe we can help you s many in the community may be knowledgeable too. Although best to seek someone you know knows with something like diabetes.

You can be quite sure that the steemit community will have suggestions but like virtual growth said, a doctor's advise is best. cryptofiend and tfeldman are doctors on steemit!
You are welcome! This will be another great hangout spot on steemit, where people will free and come to share true life experiences. There will definitely be a whole lot to learn in these healthy game series!

Dive into a day of nutritious choices, guided by Betflik's innovative concept. Explore delicious recipes, engage in interactive tasks, and earn exciting rewards for your wellness journey. With betflik embark on a health adventure like never before, where every meal becomes an opportunity for vitality and enjoyment.

Thoughts about different meal goals? For example, I'm currently in a bulking state (I lift weights) and my macro-nutrient and caloric goals are very different from when I'm cutting. Just a thought.

Yes quite true. Those parts vary quite a bit. Part of why my target thought was nutrients and vitamins which are more like between everyone. Although we may incorporate ways to hep with those ideas too and maybe award the person who helps you the most if we chose to go that route.

Hey there, all the healthy eaters it is time, let's go: @meesterboom @dreemit @giantbear @edje @clayboyn @uwelang @buzzbeergeek @get-baking @worldclassplayer @rahul.stan @deepapoudel @aashishkandel @samstonehill @mammasitta @benjojo @kus-knee @sidwrites @playfulfoodie @anotherjoe @pitterpatter @tamim another fun place to hangout on steemit. Let's reveal those healthy eating habits and win the steem enough to buy your very next balanced diet!

it's really a great project!
And Nepali food in a daily routine is really the balanced diet to consume.
It's going to be fun, thank you for the mention :)

Indeed it is,
Our daily food is rice and curry. Rice contains enough calories and curry is rich in vitamins. Moreover, most of us use healthy green leafy vegetables for the curry. We also have daal which is rich in protein. And little bit of achaar which contains minerals. "Daal", "vaat", "tarkaali", "achaar" together make up a really balanced diet. Most of use also take milk with their diet, which is rich in calcium.
This is why, very rare Nepali suffer from undernutrition if they are getting something to it, but if they do not have anything to eat then that's a different thing.

yes! agreed,
look @rahul.stan how do you feel having known this :)

@aashishkandel, yes ! it's balanced diet if consumed in sufficient amount.
thank you @steemgigs for the mention, it's going to be fun and excitement to see what other foods we will see :)

With you on this one! @rahul.stan will love this hangout too! Even with food, its a learning process deepa! Glad aashish came too!

Thanks for the mention :)

yeah, Nepali and Indian food are kind of same tho :)

I'm Nepali. So our food is same bro :)

oh! sorry I tend to forget that at times. I think we should meet sometimes in private chat, if possible in real :)

Thank you for the reply. Been thinking about this concept for years...

This is a great idea, for a learning and teaching game.
Since the variabilities of people and diet types are extensive, may I suggest a daily or weekly, best healthy diet tip submission and reward system? Catagorized, such as omnivore, vegetarian, vegan, muscle building, longevity, detoxing, weight reduction, etc.

My idea is a daily menu. Because of differences I was thinking to focus on vitamins and nutrition which would be more similar and comparable. Rewards would be between people and also for improving yourself. Still thinking some things through looking for feedback now.

Trust you when it comes to evolution and carrying people along. It has been virtual growth all the way! And health is something we also need to grow virtually!

Thank you for the clarifying your focus. Will you use something like the USDA food analysis or similar? Anxiously watching for this helpful idea/game to develop.

We support the game! Health is the ultimate wealth. Stay anxious! Glad to see you supporting community actively bilbop and actively too!

USDA food analysis will be a good base. Really the main factor is missing vitamins and nutrients which I think may be the easiest factor(s) to think about and work on correcting. I see this as one of the key points that practically all diets miss.

Since starting the low carb diet, I start out my day with low sodium bacon or sausage with scrambled eggs, black coffee. For lunch I have a protein shake. Supper I have a lean meat, low carb vegetable like broccoli or spinach or a chef salad...This works for me.

Things I eat daily..2bananas, apple/orange juice, chicken meat(every other day), rice (3 servings), pulses(3 servings), vegetables, green tea and a protien shake.

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