Neurotoxins in your gut

in #health6 years ago

Hey steemians,

I have been out for a while, so was unable to post any new article. Just going by the current news I found something worthy to share, a new Botulinum-type toxin is been discovered from a different bacteria.

Basically, Botulinum toxins are neurotoxic proeins secreted by Clostridium botulinum species. It prevents the release of acetylcholine and further leads to paralysis.

But Interestingly, a toxin very much like botulinum has been reported from Enterococcus species. The source is still unconfirmed but the finding is certainly going to rise certain health issues.

These Enterococci sp. are happen to be some of the main bacterial sp. present in the gastrointestinal track of our body. But, these bacterial sp. are happened to be multi drug resistant (MDR). As the main source of these bacteria are the hospitals and by the exposure of certain medicines and antibiotics they are happened to be resistant to such drugs. 

The plasmid from the Clostridium species is some how being transferred to the Enterococci sp. leading to such toxin production. 

A gut bacterium which is tough and hard to kill now producing a neurotoxin is a dangerous situation.

Thanks for reading, will be posting more of such interesting microbial world news.      

Happy Reading :)


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