A zen return to the office is possible after holiday . #blogsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Opt for good mood, prolong the benefits of summer and take the life on the bright side ... So many commitments each comeback too quickly forgotten.

Love your work

Before the holidays :

You're going to work backwards, limiting grumpy!

The right resolution :

The perfect job does not exist! On the other hand, loving one's work, even if it does not quite fit with the dream job is possible. Start by listing everything you love in your post. If we do not always have the choice of his activity, on the other hand, we are free of our behavior. To find interest, try to make it as stimulating as possible.

Think positive

Before the holidays: There are times when a simple blocked copier can turn into a drama. Especially before a meeting.
The right resolution: Train to develop positive thoughts. When things go wrong, try instead to ask yourself, "How to improve the situation?" This will allow you to keep your energy for important things rather than letting you "hatch" negatively by more insignificant events. And be creative, you'll see: it's more rewarding.

Boost your self-esteem

Before the holidays: Stress as well as fatigue undermine your self-esteem, with the feeling of not being up to the task.
The right resolution: Belief in yourself and your skills to carry out a professional project gives you confidence. An important element to be sure that we will do our best, since we are confident in his skills. Conversely, running out can generate a lot of stress. To increase this capital on your return from vacation, take stock of the qualities and expertise you possess to defend your projects.


Before the holidays :

Lunch became a working time.

The right resolution:

The lunch allows both to replenish energy by the food and the break that it provides. To renounce it for more or less good reasons is necessarily prejudicial. Ideally, take a nice break, not to mention work. And if you are forced to lunch on site, follow some "fitness" tips. Turn off your computer and activate your answering machine.

Move regularly!

Before the holidays: Race to your computer, your breaks are summarized as peeing breaks or back and forth in the meeting room ...
The good resolution: Do not wait to saturate, physically and mentally to move. Regular breaks are real keys to well-being at work. Ideally, change activity every two hours ... Just a few steps down the corridor, stretch, or if possible, hang the air ... And do some breathing. It is often the repetition of good reflexes that, in the long run, improve your quality of life.

Care for your relationship

Before the holidays: The problems of Julie's couple, like the passion for the flea market of Eric make you lose a lot of time!
The good resolution: The relational difficulties in the office come from the fact that "we do not feel safe with the other" according to the relational psychotherapist Isabelle Filliozat. Still perceived unconsciously, as an enemy, the colleague or the boss, do not enter the register of allies. To break the ice, you can show more interest and a little more heat. Ask for real info on the holidays of each other, news of children, or on the passion of so-and-so ... A relational key simple and much more effective than it seems.

Delineating the professional sphere

Before the holidays: Extensive work schedules, in the evenings and weekends.
The right resolution: Preserving the valuable balance acquired during the holidays involves simple gestures recommended by behaviorists. All of them aim to delimit the territories of the private and professional sphere. Namely: do not carry files at home, neither in the evening nor on the weekend. Define with your loved ones a time of exchanges around the work, in terms of stress around half an hour maximum. Ungroup on your cell phone, pro and private calls. So that they no longer answer pro calls, once they leave the office, or before they arrive there.

To enjoy life

Before the holidays: After the office, you were accustomed to rush into traffic jams, the crowded monoprix or the subway ...
The right resolution: Take a moment for yourself in total immersion, sip a Perrier in the cafe while browsing your favorite magazine , A short walk to catch the next metro station ... To summarize: think first of you and indulge yourself!


Yeah I agree: Self-care is super important for all of us. It's the first step in being a caring worker, being a caring parent, being an all-around caring person. So taking a moment to catch a breather, walk around the block... these little steps can make a big difference in a person's overall health and well-being.

Good written material.. Continue sharing.

Agree with what you are saying here. People sometimes need to take a moment to reflect on them selves, their surroundings or life in general. I like you brought this up in your post. Hope you get some more upvotes (you've got mine)!

Hello there, nice post. I love to jump out of my chair and take a walk in the long hallway at my studio and then put my face in the window take a few breaths maybe one more coffee and I am ready for a few more hours of madness...

Great article. They say "create a life you don't need a holiday from" - that's how I'm trying to establish mine :) It's mind over matter!

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