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RE: Recognizing Neurologic Damage #WeDoNotConsent #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

in #health7 years ago

Just makes me want to grab people and shake them sometimes. I am a firm believer in the right of free speech and free thought but people these days simply can't differentiate THEIR OWN free thought therefore they can't utilize free speech with any sort of truth. No one wants to think any more. Love this guy's presentation.

Maybe this is why California is being sued because the kids can't read. Ya think? @runaway-slave just posted this today.


But the good news is that California, though currently under the control of dark occultists, is also the epicenter to many spiritual holistic doctors. It's ground zero in my opinion for the war on consciousness. Those who control Cali control the wand of Hollywood. So if the dark occultists can be defeated, then all kinds of good things will flourish. But if Cali continues its current path, the world will have to sever its connection to it.

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