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in #health7 years ago

Vitamins are divided into two groups based on their solubility in water or in fat, fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.
Vitamins based on their solubility in water or in vitamin E are fat-soluble vitamins, the process of absorbing lipid soluble vitamins is similar to absorption of fat, so the effective factors in absorbing lipids in the absorption of lipid soluble vitamins are also effective. The fat is divided into two groups: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.


Features vitamin E:

Like vitamin C, it has antioxidant properties and eliminates the harmful chemical effects that damage the body's tissues. Vitamin E is placed in the adipose layer of the cell wall and inside the cell, preventing cell wall destruction and protecting the membrane of the cells.

Because most metabolic processes in the body that promote the growth of muscle cells are dependent on the health of the cell membrane, this vitamin is of great importance. Unlike water-soluble vitamins, lipid-soluble vitamins are not excreted in the urine and stored in the body, and in particular in the liver, resulting in disturbances resulting from their deficiency later on.

The benefits of vitamin E:


This vitamin helps in the treatment of various cancers, such as prostate, skin and mouth. Vitamin E also has an anticoagulant, which helps to maintain a comfortable flow of blood in the veins that have wall-bound adipose tissue (improving the functioning of the circulatory system). This vitamin is involved in preventing stroke in non-smokers, but not in smokers.

It is also very effective in preventing abortion. Although vitamin E is the most important factor in having a strong immune system, healthy skin and eyes, but all the benefits and risks of vitamin E are still not clear.

Vitamin E sources:


Vitamin E is only found in plant sources and is not found in animal fat. Wheat germ oil is the richest nutrient in terms of vitamin E. Substances such as sunflower oil and olive, corn and almonds, fresh nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts), spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, soybeans and potatoes contain a lot of this vitamin.
In fruits like peach or asparagus, this vitamin is also found relatively. Except natural sources, Vitamin E is available artificially in the form of pills and ampoules. The daily requirement of the human body for this vitamin is 7 to 9 milligrams. Be careful that this drug is addictive.

Side effects of vitamin E deficiency:


One of the complications of deficiency of this vitamin can be said to increase the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular problems and reproductive disorders. Also, vitamin E deficiency causes hair loss. Another complication is the shortage of vitamin E which may be found in the brain or by large spots under the skin and abdomen.

Overuse Vitamin E:
The high levels of vitamin E intake are lower than other fat-soluble vitamins, since the body has relatively high levels of it. But if you take too much and artificially, like an ampoule or vitamin E pill, it can cause vitamin A poisoning.
Those who want to increase their sexual potency will add vitamins E and A to their diet. Of course, in natural materials that contain these vitamins, it is better to take the drug in the eye of the doctor.

The role of vitamin E in exercise:


Endurance exercises increase the consumption of oxygen by 10 to 20 times the normal state, which increases the production of free radicals, resulting in the destruction of muscles and other tissues in the body, and ultimately reduces the capacity to run.
Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect after intense exercise, which promotes the rapid recovery of damaged cells from exercise, resulting in the rapid loss of muscle pain. Vitamin E supplements are recommended in professional athletes, that is, people who exercise continuously, not those who exercise as desired.

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