Does Medicine Start with Me? Am I A Medical Doctor? What Is a Medical Doctor? Who Knows Us Best? A Medical Doctor, Us or Even God?

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Since I post about health issues fairly regularly, I sometimes receive comments that question my 'authority' to comment on health topics - so here I am going to address this issue since it is important in many ways if we are to be self-empowered and totally liberated on Earth.


Am I a Medical Doctor?

In order to answer this question, we need to look at some definitions - what do the words 'Medical' and 'Doctor' truly mean?

Dictionary Definitions

An initial way to grasp the meaning of the word can be to look in a Dictionary, however, the concise/modern form that dictionaries take are often hugely lacking in the depth that the full versions include - plus, a dictionary does not automatically contain the highest form of absolute truth on any given subject... But they are a fair start to the exploration.

Medicine -

the art or science of restoring or preserving health or due physical condition, as by means of drugs, surgical operations or appliances, or manipulations: often divided into medicine proper, surgery, and obstetrics.

Doctor -

a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.

a person who has been awarded a doctor's degree : He is a Doctor of Philosophy.


The ETYMOLOGY of a word will generally draw us much closer to the real meaning of the word, since humanity has had a way of twisting and adjusting the meaning of words to serve the particular purposes of vested interests - rather than maintaining the unbiased purity that can often be found through analysis of word history and structure.


c. 1200, "medical treatment, cure, remedy," also used figuratively, of spiritual remedies, from Old French medecine (Modern French médicine) "medicine, art of healing, cure, treatment, potion," from Latin medicina "the healing art, medicine; a remedy," also used figuratively, perhaps originally ars medicina "the medical art," from fem. of medicinus (adj.) "of a doctor," from medicus "a physician" (from PIE root *med- "take appropriate measures"); though OED finds evidence for this is wanting. Meaning "a medicinal potion or plaster" in English is mid-14c.

Here we can see that the word 'Medical' was used to generally describe healing and remedy for illness - it was not a 'regulated' word that could only be used to describe 'authorised' people. While I recognise the value of having systems of education that ensure that graduates share specific understandings about important areas of healing, it should never be the case that we forget that anyone with even basic understanding of healing can be said to have affected healing in another and thus can be said to be 'practising medicine'... In truth, these people might be more accurately described as practising medicine than experts, since their minimal amount of experience would mean that they were truly PRACTISING a whole lot more than a seasoned expert would be.

Going back to the word 'medical' - if we look at the prefix 'med' - we find a very interesting thread of understanding about it:

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit midiur "I judge, estimate;" Avestan vi-mad- "physician;" Greek medomai "be mindful of," medesthai "think about," medein "to rule," medon "ruler;" Latin meditari "think or reflect on, consider," modus "measure, manner," modestus "moderate," modernus "modern," mederi "to heal, give medical attention to, cure;" Irish miduir "judge;" Welsh meddwl "mind, thinking;" Gothic miton, Old English metan "to measure out."

So, the word 'medical' is associated at it's root originally with 'being mindful', 'thinking' and 'judging'. So therefore, we can take that to be 'medically' oriented, we must be thinking carefully and with precision. There is a caveat to this though, since the idea of 'judgement' is in opposition to being mindful and thinking carefully, since judgements are inherently an attempt at guesswork that 'fills in the gaps' without full accuracy. Given that Medical Doctors do not have perfectly shining records with healing their patients and will fully admit that they don't know everything about the self and body they are attempting to heal - it is appropriate to connect today's Medical Doctors with the idea of judgement and in many cases judgements are all they have to go on.

Doctor has a more limited and precise etymology - it primarily meant 'Teacher' and simply someone who advises, knows and can show they know.

1300, "Church father," from Old French doctour, from Medieval Latin doctor "religious teacher, adviser, scholar," in classical Latin "teacher," agent noun from docere "to show, teach, cause to know," originally "make to appear right," causative of decere "be seemly, fitting," from PIE root *dek- "to take, accept."

My take on these words

I have a very logical mind and am a trained systems analyst/designer. I typically will drill down into the detail of the words I am examining in a way that I almost never see others do, so I often create my own meanings for the words I examine which actually expand on the ones currently in use by most other people. In this case I have a few things to add to the Dictionary and Etymological definitions for these two words.

We can see that 'Medicine' (and thus also 'medical') in more modern terms specifically relates to healing as it is performed using surgery and drugs. However, it's roots are less specific and can be found to relate both to careful thought and also generally 'assessing' a situation. There is absolutely nothing in the original meaning of the word 'Medical' that prevents if from applying to me, you or anyone as we listen to our own body / cells / inner-voice and take the steps that we need to take to be well (for example).

So... Am I a Medical Doctor?

So if you ask me if I am versed in 'Medicine', I would say "yes, almost everyone is to some extent". I would also add in that I am not a 'qualified' expert in it, just to make clear that I am not attempting to give the impression that I have studied at a medical school or even that I am intending to offer any services. My 'medical' understanding applies primarily to me alone and sometimes I can share insight from that - just like anyone else does on a daily basis.

A 'Doctor' is primarily a teacher and we can see this reflected today in the way that our university lecturers typically hold doctorate degrees and are either called 'Doctor' or 'Professor'. This is somewhat at odds with the common use of this word, since most people will think of the word 'Doctor' to ONLY mean 'Qualified Medical Doctors'. So just as with the word 'Medical', our language has been hijacked away from a sense of self empowerment by the changing and limiting of an important word.

Whereas previously, anyone could be a Doctor as long as they 'know and teach' - we currently have a reality where 'Doctors' are very specifically 'authorised' by .. well.. Other Doctors! Yes, this is a process that creates a closed system of 'knowledge' that is 'authorised' - in case you were wondering - if you don't agree with 'the gang' then you just ain't a Doctor... Sorry ;)

If you ask me if I am a Doctor, I will say "yes, just like everyone else who knows something and teaches it to others", but I would also add in that if the question refers to a specifically 'authorised qualification' from a specific body of other Doctors, then the answer is "No, I am not a member of those groups and I offer no comment or services under the pretence that I am so trained.".

Who is The Best Medical Doctor For Us?

Since I am saying that we are all students and teachers simultaneously, I am pointing us to our own self empowerment, self realisation and indeed, the mindfulness that psychologists and meditation teachers often point us towards. With that in mind, it is less important whether an individual has a certain title to their name than it is that the individual is self realised and holding fully conscious, deep understanding of the topics involved.

In any particular health crisis there are lessons to be learned and changes to be made before we can come to full health. We have many voices we could listen to, from family members to our 'authorised medical doctor' and possibly a very long list of other medical professionals who might not all agree with each other. While we might be unclear of exactly who is correct in their claims, there is a voice that is inside of us that is ALWAYS the best connected to our ailing parts if only we will hear it.

One of the reasons why the word 'medical' relates to 'mindfulness' is because it is through the MEDitative approach and self awareness that we can attune to the deepest wisdom that is available. Not only has 'science' already shown the replicable effects of meditation on health directly, but countless testimonies from genius creators and thinkers concur that meditation is also a key to finding truth too.

Medical begins with ME?

YOU are your own best guide when it comes to health - but first you must consciously align towards the intentions to heal, balance and evolve. When all of your decisions and choices are pointed towards those three intentions, you will find that your awareness of the issues involved and your hunger to learn more will grow and expand until you find what you need. Being your own teacher and guide does not prevent you from listening to others and learning from them - in fact it invites you to do that since as a teacher you are always seeking new data and understandings.

Being your own guide is essential, since you are the one who feels your feelings and can hear your own inner harmony and disharmony better than anyone else.

If you are truly receptive and aware internally it becomes almost automatic to draw your thinking in to the question of our origins and destiny as individuated beings in this universe and so too these things will be revealed in you when you are ready, only through inner exploration and ultimately not fully, via a third party.

Even those of us who prefer to have someone else do the 'hard work' of learning all about us so as to 'fix' us will also be served to remember the 'ME' in medical, since at the very least, it is you who will bare the result of any medical processes you undergo - so it is wiser to learn sooner, rather than later, exactly why 'Medical' Begins with ME!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Well done @ura-soul! Sharing to get folks to understand the healing starts with self knowledge.

Excellent, thanks! :)

I am glad I found you. I am following. This is the subject which is moving me really.

Thanks for your kind words, I do my best to help us all. I followed you back :)

Well written @ura-soul
And never has this needed more attention, than now. Especially here in Australia. Thank you <3

Thankyou, you are welcome and thanks for being you!

Well said. Too many of us outsource our health to the medical profession. The doctor doesn't always know best, he is a pill peddler, and you don't need a pill for every ill.
In my experience, many illnesses are preventable and curable through diet.

Yes, indeed, nutrition is one of the most powerful aspects of health - others are oxygenation, emotional processing, correct sunlight and loving intentions/thoughts.

You're absolutely right. I've had monthly ozone sauna and oxygen treatments for the last two years and have experienced considerable improvements in both physical and mental wellbeing.

Excellent, yes - a lack of oxygen is simply a slow form of suffocation! 8O

Everyone should be the authority on their own health. If you rely on someone else to do that, you are trusting them with your life. I am my own expert on me. I will authorize others to fix issues I cannot. We have too many people willing to abdicate their responsibility on many things, health being front and center.

Very good, yes - there's no escaping that we create our own reality.

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