2 teeth pulled - Will you upvote to help me find treatment in Eastern Europe? Dental Implants are £2000+ per tooth in Britain!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I recently had to have 2 of my teeth removed - one of them is a main, front incisor and I cannot eat or speak correctly without it. It sucks. Worse than that in some ways, I learned that to get an effective implant replacement I need to pay thousands of pounds per tooth!

my teeth

In Britain we have the NHS (National Health Service) which offers dental treatment, but unfortunately they have always only offered the very lowest quality components for free and in some cases you need to pay anyway towards the treatment. For example, disturbingly, they still use cheap Mercury amalgam fillings - despite them having long been proven to cause numerous serious health problems.

In the case of Dental Implants - which are false teeth that get directly fitted into your jaw bone - the NHS only offers the lowest quality models which typically don't look so good as could be done and also always involve the use of Titanium components. Having metal inserted into your skull is no joke and it is entirely possible that you will be effected by power lines and other airborn energies such as WiFi as you live your life. For these reasons, I have chosen to seek out an alternative and so far I have only found..

Zirconia implants

These are non metallic and entirely made of Zirconia, which is the 2nd hardest material after diamond. They look like teeth and are in every sense a better option than the metal equivalents - with the exception that they are more brittle so greater care must be taken when fitting them.

The downside is that these are more pricey than the metal alternatives and in the UK it might cost me £2000-3000 per tooth to have them fitted. Even with the help I have received from Steemit so far, this is beyond my price range - so I am looking to travel to another part of the world to have them fitted more cheaply.

Help me travel to Eastern Europe so I can smile again?

I can't recall ever directly asking for financial help publicly - even when my Mother was dying from Cancer, but Steemit changes things in that sense -since I am not really asking you directly for any money - I am just asking for your help in getting this post upvoted and re-steemed, so that I can get some help towards getting me to Budapest or somewhere similar to get my teeth repaired ASAP.

As you can see from my post history, I am totally dedicated to helping balance, heal and evolve planet Earth and that obviously includes me too - so I will get there one way or another; but I would be really appreciative for any help I can get here - it's no fun not being able to eat properly :(

I am also plenty happy to return the favour and upvote any worthy causes you may point me to in the comments here.

Wishing you well!

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


Teeth are indeed very expensive... I hope everything goes good!

thanks, yes - maybe one day we will grow new ones instead :)

Wow that is a lot of money.
Upvoted, good luck with your travel to Eastern Europe.

yeah, it's getting silly here - thanks for your support :)

Hi there. Upvoted and good luck. I'm in Canada. If I was in your situation I would go to Cuba for dental work. . .

aloha! oh ok, that's another option - but the flight will definitely bump up the price - flights from britain to europe are very cheap at the moment. I'll check out the prices in Cuba anyway though, thanks.

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