Why You Have To Quit Smoking !

in #health6 years ago


As we all know that smoking and all kind of tobacco consumption is dangerous for human health. It negatively affects the human behavior. It does not only threaten the health of the smoker but the other people around are in severe danger too. Inhaling cigarettes smoke can cause damage to most of our body organs. Keeping aside all the harmful effects of smoking, it is the human will that motivates a person to quit this bad habit. Haven't you heard the term "Smoking is Dangerous"? 

 Quitting smoking is the most important step that you take for your improved and long healthy life ahead. Before starting the quitting process, you will need to find out the reasons. Why are you quitting it? What are you up to? What are you going to achieve? 

 In this article, I will provide you the simple guide that will help you in quitting smoking and all other kinds of tobacco consumption to improve your health. 

 There are a number of steps that need to be followed if you want to be successful on this journey. All of the steps are discussed below to give you a detailed account of the situation. 

 1. Find the motivation, activates the human will.

 Motivation is the base of every step that you take in your life. There must be some kind of personal or professional reason that keeps you motivated. Set your priorities that need your focused attention. It may be your better health or long and healthy future life. Just keep in your mind, no one can force you to quit smoking. You have to do it all by yourself taking help from your human will for your health. 

 2. Take the decision to save your health. 

 Once you have identified your reasons for quitting and found the motivation, take the final decision. Now it’s time to own that decision, quitting is difficult but it is not impossible. It can be a deadly challenge for you to pass the obstacles. Just keep your goals in front of you that you are striving for. 

 3. Avoid the smoking triggers, throw the cigarettes away. 

 Avoid those situations, people, places and things that urged you to consume tobacco. Avoiding a tiring and stressed situation is also helpful. Throw away all the cigarettes and ashtrays to avoid the stimuli. 

 4. Prepare for the withdrawal. 

 You have to be prepared for the withdrawal symptoms and conditions because is an addiction. Your brain is getting addicted to the nicotine. Consult a doctor before quitting tobacco consumption. The physical withdrawal is slight and can pass very quickly. But the mentaladdiction can take time and consistency. You can use some medication recommended by a physician to overcome the withdrawal symptoms. 

 5. Repeat the natural tricks. 

 Take deep breaths when you are craving for cigarettes or any kind of tobacco consumption. Deep breathing is a stress releasing technique and stress will act as a trigger demanding nicotine. Drink too much water frequently over time. Reduce the amount of caffeine you are taking on a daily basis. Coffee is a stimulant and it will create difficulty for you to deal with stress. 

 6. Smoking is dangerous, stay positive. 

 Don’t lose hope. Quitting can be really challenging but it will give you benefits for both short and long run. It will consume your time and energy but you will be amazed by the results. Keep rewarding yourself for spending days without smoking. Socialize with the non-smokers first and then with the smokers also. Your willpower alone has nothing to do with this but the environment also counts. 

 7. Learn new skills and behaviors to fight against tobacco consumption. 

 After quitting smoking, change your routine and try to become more physically active than before. Exercise on regular basis, it will keep you healthy and fresh. Learn the techniques of stress management in your daily routine. Eat healthy to avoid the smoking urges and for a better life ahead. Focus your efforts on dealing with your urges to smoke throughout your life.

Your goal is to reduce and eliminate those urges so you can live life without cigarettes and alcohol. Build the skills to stay smoke-free. Monitor your habits and progress towards achieving the target of smoke-free. You need to be very critical towards yourself while noticing craving and slips. You can also help other smokers when they are trying to quit smoking.

Quitting tobacco consumption is a great way to improve the health of yourself and your loved ones around you. It needs consistent attention and motivation to benefit you completely. If it doesn’t work for the first time, try again and again unless you achieve your goal. Save your life from diseases and addiction by quitting these harmful elements. It’s never too late to take the first step. 





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