Does stress affect the skin cells ?

in #health6 years ago

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Stress is number one illness in humnan. Stess can affect the skin cell. It make the skin cell more old than before if you have a lot of stress. Not even the skin. Stress can make you thinking alot that make you have alot of illness such as high blood pressure.

This is so complicate because the stress is negative thinking from us. The stress is just a problem that we think there is no solution. But that is wrong. We need to be a positive man. We avoid the stress

Sleep is number one heal to disappear the stress. We need to sleep 8 hour a day. Without sleep we have big ratio to get the stress. Try to sleep enogh to avoid thr stress

Stress make us to be low performance. If we have stress, we can not focus well to do anything. So that please dont be stress. Just pisitive think and try to enjoy your life. Do what you can do. Do your best. Try your best. Avoid to think a big expectation. We need to rationable.

Just get your dream. Life is yours, and have fun with your life. Life is the giveness from god. You need to enjoy the life. Every breath is so good. Just take a good breath and enjoy it.

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