You say ! I say !

in #health7 years ago

They call it ?

They call it an Upper respiratory infection?
Virus or Bacterial ? Oh just take antibiotics just in case!
I say BS !

They call it MS ?
I call it mycoplasma infection?
Lupus or mycoplasma ?
Fibromyalgia or mycoplasma ?

They call it eboLIE ?
I call it stomach flu?
Bioweapons lab?

They call it the flu?
I call it a vitamin D Deficiency!

They call it a virus?
I call it poison!

They call it treatment?
I call it CUT, BURN and POISON!
First do no harm?

They call it chemotherapy?
I call it a byproduct of mustard gas!
Our cells don't wear gas masks!

They call it cancer?
I call it false a positive?
The Lancet reports that of the 5% of referrals after mammograms, 93% are false positives. 90% of false positives are due to unclear readings because of breast density. The creator of the mammogram proclaimed that only about six radiologists in the US could read them correctly?

They call it SIDS ?
I call it a Some

They call it Autism?
I call it a Vaccine Injury!

They call it measles?
I call it a fever and a rash ?

They call it motion sickness?
I call it C1 subluxation!

They call it Polio?
I call it (Chemical poisoning).

Small pox or Monkey pox?

Whooping cough or croup?

Diphtheria or Epiglotitis / bacterial tracheitis?

They call it herd immunity?
I call it a measles party!

They call it VPD ?
I call it vaccines preventing immunity!

They call it SBS ?
I call it vaccine induced scurvy!

They call it safe and effective?
I say well only if you include life long disabilities, diseases, dysfunctions and death into your definition of safe!

They call it Effective ?
I call it Booster time !

You say educated?
I say trained!

You say science?
I say nature!

You say mandate vaccines?
I say mandate vitamins and minerals!
Mandate better education on health and nutrition!
Mandate liability!
Mandate accountability!

You say drugs?
I say nutrition!

You say Real doctors , Real advice and Real medicine ?
I say where?

You say vaccines injuries are rare?
Is 30,000 a year enough ?
Not to mention the unseen damage, ischemic strokes and bioaccumulation of heavy metals!

You say trust me I'm a Doctor?
I say NO WAY You trust drug thugs that have been known to make false claims about the effective and safety of their drugs!

You say small amounts ?
I say how much bee venom does it take for anaphylactic shock?
______ ______?
Would you like to buy a vowel ?
You call me crazy ?
I say crazy people inject known neurotoxins !

Your body !
Your choice !
Your responsibility !
My body!
My choice!
My responsibility!



You may be the only person I have found with more disdain for the sick profit industry than me. Fuck the willfully ignorant big paycheck cashing sociopathic sheep of the medical community. Drs, nurses, techs, insurance administrators, all of them, they should all be held accountable for profiting off others sickness. Many know full well the prescribed treatments will make patients worse & require more treatment. Like a shady mechanic who sabotages a transmission during an oil change, he makes a lot more replacing transmissions than changing oil.

sir you are doing good word .. and its amazing topic nature and vaccine and people need to read your post and follow your instruction if they wanna live healty life..

every body should need to resteem this post to awareness of other people ..

How come there are so many like-minded people on Steemit and yet there are so hard to find in real life? It might have something to do with the fact, that in here you cannot get paid directly by medical and pharmaceutical industry, so there is no incentives to defend and promote them.

Not sure.
Most of my friends are involved in other.


Lol thanks
Truth train FULL STEEM Ahead

Awesome, keep it coming! Together we will educate and save people even if it has to be one person at a time.

Good work brother. We stand by you.

Thanks I appreciate it!

I'm with you for most of this, but vaccines causing autism? That's been disproven again and again and again - and was never actually proven in the first place.


They call child abuse?

Broken bones in infancy: child abuse or rickets?

John Cannell and Michael Holick published a paper pointing out that X-rays of broken bones in infants should not be used as definitive evidence of child abuse. Instead, bone biopsy should be used. X-rays miss rickets 80% of the time [Cannell, 2016]. This paper should help reduce the practice of taking infants with broken bones from parents suspected of abusing them when in fact what they need is treatment for rickets.

Cannell JJ, Holick MF. Multiple unexplained fractures in infants and child physical abuse. J Steroid BiochemMol Biol. 2016 Sep 15. pii: S0960-0760(16)30248-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2016.09.012.

I'm just a little minnow lol

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