Live Truth Productions Presents "The Incredible Healing Properties of Yellow Dock"

in #health7 years ago

Live Truth Productions is a multimedia publishing house & more from the Garden of Eden sustainable ecovillage!

Education is one of our primary focuses: we want to inspire everyone to think outside the box and open themselves to the infinite possibilities that exist for ALL aspects of life, and we encourage free thinkers to CHOOSE a full spectrum life of thrival that adds value for all beings and our Earth! 

To that end, we want to share some of our projects with you!

While our @truthproductions account has only been active for over than half a year on Steemit, we have been hard at work behind the scenes in service to the @gardenofeden's community mission for almost a decade! We have hundreds of thousands of photos, thousands of videos, articles, graphics, and designs, and multiple websites that illuminate sustainable, honorable, responsible options that support a better world for all creatures and our living planet, and we look forward to continuing to share them here on the blockchain.

We have been visual artists for years with combined decades of experience, and Steemit productions are one of our latest masteries! We offer our consulting services to help one and all improve their own success on this platform - stay tuned for an upcoming post with more info.

Now, to get to today's post - are you familiar with the super healing properties of yellow dock?

Every aspect of life is better when you feel good and healthy! 

Nature herself crafts the best medicine. To encourage your happy healing, we offer a wealth of information on the super natural healing powers of plants, herbs, and common "weeds". We seek to reacquaint you with our roots and reintroduce these incredible plants to your diet and medicine chest! 

We now present YELLOW DOCK for your consideration:

We have a special treat for you, too: in an upcoming post, we'll share a food formula from our collection for


Enjoy our previous Wildcrafted Medicine posts:

Dandelion / Calendula / Lamb's Quarter / Henbit / Carolina Geranium / Oregano

If you are interested in accessing the epic power of plants, we offer beyond organic, super sustainable tea and cannabis-free smoking blends of our abundant, hardy herbs for your pleasure!


Thanks for tuning in today ~ we hope you enjoyed and found value in this Live Truth Production!

In upcoming posts, we will offer a better look at our services and core @truthproductions team: 





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Natures cures!

So amazing how many solutions nature provides for free!!!

Interested never heard of this before. Amazing how they managed to demonise weeds as a bad thing when like you point out there are amazing healing properties and health benefits within. Do these just grown in the States are the World over?

Yellow dock and many more species of dock grow all over the world. Nature doesn't pay much attention to geographical borders!
It is totally wild how disconnected humans have become from plants - even though we're still completely dependent upon them for our survival (hello, oxygen!!), people seem to think "weeds" are evil because it messes up their carefully planned and controlled landscaping. SMH

I love how dock just wants to grow, being such a prolific addition to our diets year round. I love it in our green juice---what a great blessing from mother nature.

Yes it's an awesome "weed"! So abundant and generous :)


This is an eye opener, but you should talk more about how to get the leave, where it's likely to be found and all.

Wild in North America, Europe, and Africa
Leaves, seeds, and roots can be utilized. There aren't special handling instructions for this one - just pick it without destroying the whole plant. :)
We present the info and humans have to go out and take a walk to find it for themselves!

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