Live Truth Productions Presents "How to Use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth to Get Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails"

in #health6 years ago

Live Truth Productions is a multimedia publishing house & more from the Garden of Eden sustainable ecovillage!

Education is one of our primary focuses: we want to inspire everyone to think outside the box and open themselves to the infinite possibilities that exist for ALL aspects of life, and we encourage free thinkers to CHOOSE a full spectrum life of thrival that adds value for all beings and our Earth! 

To that end, we want to share some of our projects with you!

While our @truthproductions account has only been active for over than half a year on Steemit, we have been hard at work behind the scenes in service to the @gardenofeden's community mission for almost a decade! We have hundreds of thousands of photos, thousands of videos, articles, graphics, and designs, and multiple websites that illuminate sustainable, honorable, responsible options that support a better world for all creatures and our living planet, and we look forward to continuing to share them here on the blockchain.

We have been visual artists for years with combined decades of experience, and Steemit productions are one of our latest masteries! We offer our consulting services to help one and all improve their own success on this platform - stay tuned for an upcoming post with more info.

Now, to get to today's post - how to use food grade diatomaceous earth to get healthy nails and skin!

Food grade diatomaceous earth enhances hair, nail, and skin health.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is filled with the fossilized remains of ancient phytoplankton called diatoms. These creates are a rich source of silica. As a building block for collagen, this mineral is an essential component of the human body's structure, especially bones, teeth, skin, tendons, blood vessels, nails, and hair. 

Silica is well respected for its ability to enrich hair and clear skin and is added to a vast amount of beauty and cosmetic products! It is also taken internally to provide the system DE is the cheapest and easiest to use silica supplement we have found. 

How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Healthy Hair, Nails, & Skin

Hair Loss

Thinning hair may indicate a silica deficieny. The human body naturally sheds hair, and naturally regrows about the same amount it loses each day. However, it grows drastically less if the system is silica deficient. If you experience thinning hair, it may be that you are losing more than you regrow each day, and silica supplementation may reverse your condition.

Try mixing 1 teaspoon food grade diatomaceous earth into water or juice and drinking it first thing in the morning.

Lackluster Hair or Weak Nails

Again, silica deficiency may be the cause of your less-than-shampoo-commercial hair and/or weak nails, and taking food grade DE internally could remedy that.

Try drinking 1 teaspoon food grade DE thoroughly mixed in water or juice in the mornings. You may work your way up to 1 to 2 tablespoons a day.

Skin Conditions

Silica is vital to healthy connective tissue, which is the key to skin that resists wrinkles. For young, supple skin, you can encourage your body's collagen production by supplementing with the silica in food grade DE. Again, you can drink 1 teaspoon food grade DE in juice or water to start your day, and may take up to 1 to 2 tablespoons.

For irritations, acne, and blemishes, you can make an easy mask by mixing food grade DE with a little clean water. Smear it on the skin, allow to dry, and wash off with clean water. You can add coconut oil or essential oils like lavender or geranium for a more luxurious cleanser. 

A note: only FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth is safe for consumption, as it has a relatively low crystalline silica content. Pest control grade or filter grade DE products are not meant for internal use.

We are happy to offer Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth on our website by donation towards building a healthier world for ALL!

Thanks for tuning in today ~ we hope you enjoyed and found value in this Live Truth Production!

April 13- 15th in VEGAS!

The @truthproductions team: 





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How is the taste when mixed with water?

for internal consumption, I was expecting external application

Great job ,great think all the best for furthermore, thanks for share thumbs up @truthproductions

Diatomaceous earth for supplement is vastly under recognized. Because its abundantly available and not much profit motive probably keeps it secret from mainstream. Good job informing people


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