Vegan bio: Vegetarians lack protein? Augustine's incredible revelations of protein

in #health6 years ago

Vegetarians lack protein? Augustine's incredible revelations of protein

Just tell someone "I do not eat meat anymore", and count to 3 (try, you'll see it's funny it works every time): 1, 2, "Han, how are you doing with your protein, then? "
(Uh ... Ben perso I stack them, and when I have nothing else to do I play a little with ...)
Hey, relax on protein, guys. We hear more about this: the proteins - the proteins - the proteins!
"Oh my God, uh, did I eat enough protein today?!?! "
Before asking you this question, why not ask yourself the one immediately preceding: "Proteins, what is it for? (Oh my God, uuuuuu, nobody knows lol!)

Proteins are inseparable from the construction of life (plant kingdom as well as animal).
Some proteins are used for the construction and repair of tissues: this is their best known role. For example, in the animal kingdom they build muscles, then allow them to recover from an effort and regenerate; on the other hand, they are not there to serve them as fuel. Others have a role in the functioning of the immune system, others are enzymes (catalysts for chemical reactions) or hormones ... Transporters of molecules in the blood (oxygen transport for example), or chemical transmitters of information (neurotransmission), or facilitate intercellular exchanges, in short: an organism as complex as an evolved mammal (and not that of humans) contains tens of thousands of different proteins. In fact, we do not know exactly how much we have and all their functions are not even inventoried. It is assumed that the proteins of a monkey are closer to ours in number and in nature than that of an earthworm or asparagus, but in any case the proteins that will have been eaten, if 'we want to place ourselves in the field of nutrition, will never be used as is - we will understand why lower.

But first and foremost: do not confuse the fuel of our bodies (mainly carbohydrates but also lipids), with the maintenance or transmission products or even the tissues themselves of the body (proteins). Remember this: the proteins absorbed by food (we will call them food proteins to distinguish them from those in our own tissues, blood, muscles, organs, in a word: at work in our cells to perform their functions) are not intended to provide energy to the body. They could possibly do it, but only if the two other sources preferentially used by our bodies as a source of energy: carbohydrates and lipids, were missing. Their first purpose is clearly to bring us enough to make our own proteins (which are constantly renewed). Unlike carbohydrates and lipids, whose unused energy stores for both in the form of fat, the proteins provided by food are not stored: we use the ones we need and the rest is quickly degraded, hence the importance, indeed, to consume each day to feed our own turn-over of internal proteins.

On the other hand, empty your head of billions of information balanced right and wrong by lobbies or pubs various and varied and return to the fundamentals: a balanced diet must provide to our organisms: about 65% of carbohydrates, 25% of lipids (both thus serving among other energy supply but not only), and only 10% of proteins (proteiiiiines!). You can go down to the far end of the web with your rangers, a speleologist helmet and a headlamp, I challenge you to find figures diverging from them by more than 5%.

Attention, when we say 65% ​​or 25% or 10%, it is in percentage of the caloric ration, eh, not in volume on the plate. Carbohydrates and proteins each provide 400 kcalories per hundred grams, and lipids, 900.

Take a woman, say Gertrude. No bad boys, we only take Gertrude as an example. Let us allude to it, which is generally recognized as a caloric need of a woman, 2000 kcal a day; these 2000 kcalories should ideally come in the form of 1300 kcal of carbohydrates, or roughly 300 grams, 500 kcal of fat, or just under 60 grams, and 200 kcal of protein ... 50 grams.

And yes. 50 grams, only. And this is confirmed by all the serious recommendations, including that of the World Health Organization which states that an adult body needs only about 0.8 grams of protein per kg of protein. body weight. Gertrude weighs 60 kg, average weight of women; 0.8 x 60 kg = 48 grams. So with 50 gr, she is laaaarge. Note that if Gertrude inadvertently gained weight it would not change much in her protein needs, since fat does not need protein to survive.

ATTENTION 50 grams of protein, that does not mean 50 grams of meat, but 50 grams of protein; knowing that meat for example contains about 20% protein. The rest of the meat is at least 65% water (like any muscle), and fat. Saturated that is to say, the so-called "bad fat", difficult to eliminate and clogging the arteries.
Lentils (another example) contain 25% protein (the rest is mainly composed of carbohydrates).

For information, and plan a cushion because you may fall on the ass, human breast milk that is designed specifically to provide all that a baby needs for a balanced and harmonious growth during long months, contains only 1% comma proteins. That said as it contains mostly water, it brings barely 65 kcal per 100 grams, of which its 1.2 grams of protein (thus providing 5 calories) are not far to effectively represent 10% of the total. Nourished in this way, in one year the brain of an infant will more than double in size and his body will triple in weight. (It's okay, not too bad?)

And for the most suspicious of you, remember: what is an infusion given to an inpatient patient who can no longer eat by mouth? Glue, glue, glucose. (Carbohydrate.) Not proteins. Contrary to popular belief, energetically it is still carbohydrates that our brain uses to function. Proteins play an important role, for example, in nerve transmission (chemical mediators: dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, etc.) but energy is provided by carbohydrates.

So stay cool: 50 grams of protein, and even 60, and even 80, it's very easy to get, actually it would even Gertrude would really do it on purpose not to have ingested 50 grams of protein at the end of a day and I'm going to demonstrate it to you by the absurd. Even zucchini or mandarins contain protein: as we have seen, no protein-free vegetable, if only a minimum: so all fruits and vegetables contain it; on average 2%. Good 2% is not enough, it's true, but at the same time if Gertrude suddenly had the silly idea and gratified to eat only zucchini it would take a lot because it brings only 50 kcal for hundred grams. I do the math for you (I'm in a good day), 4 kg of zucchini would be necessary for him to get his 2000 kcal. But 2% protein, on 4 kg it's 80 grams! So I ask everything and I remember that in the end, as long as the caloric intake is covered, it is impossible to run out of proteins because there are proteins, even few, in just about everything eat. Unless you eat oil, and no one eats oil: you do not have to grow in the nettles anyway. (8% protein by the way, nettles, which make delicious soups and 13% in Panzani spaghetti - without egg- look at the back of the package you will be very surprised.)

Then, especially, do not bother to rush rameute the vegephobic crowds by telling them that the veggie are all faded and that they eat only zucchini, this I recall was just a reasoning by the absurd.

Other than that, do you really know, personally, about you, people who have been diagnosed with a disease because of a "lack of protein"? Yes ? No ? How many ? On the other hand, the excess of proteins is very widespread in our western countries and particularly the excess of animal proteins, which can have harmful consequences because they produce waste (urea, uric acid) whose accumulation can be harmful ( uric acid responsible among other joint pain or kidney stones or stones.) In addition the excess of protein - and again especially animal - acidifies our bodies, who do not like it, and their fight against this acidification is at detriment (among others) calcification of our skeleton. Overconsumption of animal protein (especially red meat) promotes cancer of the digestive tract and colon (according to the current hypothesis of the medical profession it could be by the oxidizing action of the heme iron it contains), and other nuggets. And above all it is quite difficult to get animal protein without them with the famous saturated animal fat that is difficult to eliminate from our bodies and which is responsible for so many cardiovascular diseases, especially by deposit in our arteries which he shrinks the passage.

In summary, to "Do not you eat more meat?!? But where do you find your proteins? "I would tend to answer" Well like everyone else, in my cells. On the other hand if your question in fact is "If you do not eat more animal products where do you find the proteins necessary for the elaboration of yours?" The answer is even shorter: in the plants. "

(Ah, yes, in fact I'm vegetarian: so no cheeses, no fish, no eggs, nothing that comes from or induces animal suffering: if so, the fish are not happy when we take them out of the water and 'we open their belly to get their tripe, they say it but they think no less, I assure you, it is now officially demonstrated by the latest scientific methods and dairy cows are not trèèèès happy when they are taken away for a day, especially since they all end their lives slaughtered and turned into chopped steaks, which is not very far from resembling a slaughter animal fate if it is too complicated - ah ba si, I tell you anyway: like cocks that do not run the streets, they are useless in the hen industry laying eggs then we kill them, adorable little chicks coming out not their shell, expected at the exit by sexeurs of chicks who keep only their sisters. Short. Crushed alive. But short.)

Let's go back to our sheep: even if you take the risk of becoming your idol, I will also give you the answer to the question you should have asked yourself before even asking what is the use of a protein: A protein, in fact it is what? And if you are wise, we will also see not where to find them (since we make them ourselves) but, more relevant question of the blow: what is needed to be able to make them.

All proteins are complex structures composed of a very large number of smaller elements called "amino acids" linked together, much like pearls in a necklace. (Sometimes more than a thousand!)

I have already received a lot of claims from food proteins: "Yes, you deboulonnes our pedestal, you trivialize, all that ...", there it may even less please them because I will openly reveal their intimacy:

Proteins are in fact molecules so large that those absorbed by the diet do not even manage to cross the intestinal wall (Hou large dondons !!!): an ingested protein, whether it is of origin bovine, cereal, where from a pea, so must necessarily shrivel the portrait during digestion. The massacre begins in the stomach and continues in the small intestine.

For those who believed that eating a beefsteak protein beef would directly attach to their muscles of human ... well it's missed. To tell you the truth, I have believed him for a long time too. For the anecdote I remember hearing when I was young this sentence that concluded a program on protein on the radio: "In summary, we have not found better to make the muscle of man than to eat the same. beef muscle. That's it, it was clear, concise, it was printed in my young malleable brain, I did not think, as I was, that this sentence could emanate from an incompetent or sold at Breeding lobby and then as I loved the meat and the animals, it must be said that the formula fell right to help my conscience to bear to see me plant my fork in ribs innocent oxen. So this pictorial phrase actually made me believe at the time that the ingested beef protein would directly come to settle in my two thighs teen frog to make them grow (and even that it was essential to them) or it is totally wrong; Moreover, consulting my old Larousse at random last night after weeks of documentation from more modern sources, I realized that he already mentioned it very clearly, but hey at the time I had other concepts to discover in this faithful dico that of "proteins": dreamlike, for example, not to be confused with onanism, etc ... Finally here is what I could have found, if I had thought to look for it, in a simple Larousse 35 years ago: "The digestion of proteins is ensured by three enzymes acting successively: gastric pepsin, pancreatic trypsin and intestinal erepsin, and this digestion results in the amino acids, the only ones likely to be absorbed by the intestine. Here, look at it, fire your beef muscle protein, big clever: chubby, scattered! Like the dandelion flower on the cover of Larousse. Nerd, huh? What time lost by misinformation ...

Now, the amino acids thus obtained after this ruthless setting into pieces will pass easily the intestinal wall to join the blood circulation; that it is very clear: one is no longer in the presence of a protein, there; the protein already exists more, the blood just harvests vagabond amino acids to send them dare-dare to the very sophisticated construction factories that are our cells. And our cells, tireless little workers, will use these beads to rebuild proteins. But not the same ... Our human cells build the proteins our body needs, that is, HUMAN proteins.

The thing to remember about all this is that an ingested protein, AS SUCH is unusable by our bodies: 1 because it is unassimilable, 2 because it would have no function!

In fact, each organism produces the proteins specific to the functioning of its species, according to its own genetic coding. It is intimate protein, ma'am, sir, it does not change like that! A protein, animal or vegetable, is a kind of key and each species has its own locks. In sum we remade the keys of others to remake with the metal obtained, adapted keys. This is to tell you if the shape of the starting key has no importance.
So you have understood: what our organisms fundamentally claim to work properly is not so much the proteins as the amino acids they contain - these parts so precious to life that scientists describe them as being at its origin . There are a lot of amino acids on the planet - we do not know them all either - some of which would come from the Earth, but only 22 of them are needed and useful to protein synthesis - that is to say enter into the composition of the living; and those we know, we name them and we know perfectly how to identify and classify them.

Oh firecracker we can not be quiet two minutes, here: another text! "Already you make us look good for nothing, as a bonus you treat us big dondons, now you talk about asshole - do not deny, we heard you! We are going to fart your mouth, it will heat up for your enzymes! "
Hey calm down, girls, I never said that you were good for nothing, everyone understood that you were the only ones to provide us with amino acids, come on ... Do not get annoyed, besides you are famous, we only talk about you as soon as we propose to stop killing animals to eat them: and by the way, it does not hurt you, that billions of chickens and pigs are being slaughtered for to get ... from ... er ... from you?
Answer: "I'm a vegetable protein, I'm pointing out. Signed: Augustine »

  • Pardon Augustine, as much for me, and help me so then to explain your value to people!
  • No problem, Michele, I take over: but I warn you, the queen-mother of the breeding lobby, the High Priestess of ambient nutritional obscurantism, I want to talk about the contemporary urban legend about the alleged "Animal Protein Superiority", it's been a while since I'm itching to offer him a first class public burial!
  • Well please, run away, I'll let you.
  • Thank you. Good to start, all the proteins, animal no more nor less than vegetable, contain all the amino acids of which you just spoke. Me too, I contain them all! That said, you spoke of 22, but in reality only 20 are universally distributed among all known living things: living plants as living animals. All that is born, grows up and dies contains these 20 amino acids; the other two are only found in weird stuff style bacteria unlikely surname so it does not concern us.
  • Can you tell us a little more about amino acids, dear Augustine?
  • Oh, that's my radius since I'm only made of that ^ - ^: Amino acids are made from the four great constituents of organic matter: Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen (CHON). Some of them also contain atoms of sulfur, that's the limit it's a detail, we do not care. But all take their name from the presence, in their chemical formula, of what is commonly called an amine function, that is to say the grouping of a nitrogen atom with two hydrogen atoms. One word in this sentence should catch your attention: "Nitrogen".
  • Well yes, nitrogen I know, it is the main constituent of the Earth's atmosphere!
  • I know everyone knows nitrogen! But do you realize that nitrogen is therefore initially a gas?
    The peculiarity of plants is to be able to "capture" the nitrogen from the air - that is to say, to make it leave its status of atmospheric gas - to integrate it with organic molecules, and this by through live micro-organisms in symbiosis with their root structures. You humans can not. No animal can. (Likewise in the oceans, moreover, the oceans are brewing air, hence the presence of nitrogen gas, also captured by micro-organisms, which firstly allowed the presence of algae, of plankton, of all the sea salad containing proteins, and consequently the presence then of a whole lot of marine creatures which give themselves exactly to the same circus as those of the floor of the cows: there are some who swallow only greenery, and others that come in from behind to eat them.) This biological fixation of nitrogen gas by plants is also universally cited as one of the most important biochemical processes on Earth - and is therefore probably at the origin of all life. (It feels pretty proud, Augustine, but she can.)
  • Well, you know things, Titine ...
  • Lol. So tell your friends who are reading me, to open their nostrils because it will start to smell very bad for the so-called superiority of animal proteins ...
    If we revisit everything from the beginning: all life needs protein; every protein is made of amino acids; any amino acid contains (by definition!) an amine radical and therefore nitrogen; only plants know how to capture nitrogen from the air. So for starters, plants are the only initial route of nitrogen (and therefore protein) intake for all organisms of the animal kingdom (calves-cows-pigs-broods-whales-crocodiles-sardines and even your Perette and her whore. pot of milk), and in addition they are the only ones to synthesize the entirety of the known proteinogenic amino acids; they then make their proteins with, of which me your servant is part. On the other hand, the animal kingdom can only dispose of amino acids by drawing them from the vegetable kingdom, or by eating another animal which has drawn its own in the vegetable kingdom. Everything comes from this original plant starting point, and only after, each one makes the proteins he needs.
  • Thank you Tine, it's very clear. But it's really not more complicated than that?
  • Yes, a little bit anyway. Because you see that these little basic pearls, amino acids, are not so basic. They are themselves formed of various groups of atoms - among others the famous amine groups, NH² or NH3; H being of course the symbol of Hydrogen and N being that of Nitrogen (history of simplifying the life of schoolboys! N from the Latin name of nitrogen: Nitrogenium No, which is not a Roman garrison, firecracker you can stay serious for two minutes, Michèle?) The amino acid molecules can in turn be deconstructed by various metabolic processes, and the animal cells are able if necessary to recover the amine function thus released, to synthesize such or such other amino acid which they would eventually fall out during the development of a particular protein. It must be understood that a protein is something very very specific: for each of them the amino acids must be assembled in a number and sequence very specific and without omitting one, otherwise it is not functional, it is useless. We can make an analogy with the formation of words, and the comparison is all the more justified if if with an alphabet containing 26 letters we can, by combining them, form an infinity of different words, and in several languages, we can therefore also form an infinity of different proteins by combining 20 amino acids ... and this for each species. If a printer wants to write "BANANA" he will obviously have to put the letters in the right order, because "ANNABE" means nothing; but for that he must first have two A's, one B's, one E's and two N's. If by any chance he does not have E anymore, he'll have plenty of A's, B's and N's he can close the printing press because BANAN means nothing either. (Banana is just an example, do not take it for yourself.) A cell being developed a protein will use primarily ready amino acids that the blood will make available, as a printer would use A, B etc. But if it misses one of them in the process, it will synthesize it (will make it, as you say, but synthesize it is more pro, in biology ...) from others - the whole thing is that she has it on hand. To picture, we could say roughly that if she has no more E, she will take an F and add a bar down to make an E. That's why we say that animals (and you) know also synthesize amino acids. But there is no spontaneous generation of amino acids in animals (lol), it is first necessary that a plant has synthesized them before and that the animal has ingested them, either directly (herbivores, vegans) or by eating an herbivore (or a vegan). You understand ?
  • Yes yes, I follow you. We eat proteins, so we get amino acids, so nitrogen and these famous "amine" radicals and our cells are a little the stuff they want with. However, there are some that can not be synthesized, I guess you know them?
  • I was going to tell you about it: essential amino acids.
  • I would have even said "the famous essential amino acids" seen how we rebel ears.
  • These, you can not actually synthesize, because they have a very special molecular skeleton, which only the plants are able to do the biosynthesis because it requires special enzymes, contained only in the chloroplast of plants. {SCOOP} (and I hope you read that right, because it's all played here!)
  • Augustine, here is the exact phrase that comes back all the time, from reading it I know it by heart: "There are two groups of amino acids: non-essential and essential. The essential amino acids are eight in number. It is imperative that we get these essential amino acids from our diet because human organisms do not know how to synthesize them. And systematically follows the everlasting refrain on food containers and always starting with a long list of animal products, usually beef in the lead.
  • It's "really" manipulative as a formula, say so! It is very good, that one: "the human organisms do not know how to synthesize them then eat beef", they would like to imply that the oxen, THEM, know how to synthesize them, that they would not do it otherwise! Like the ox, he would possess chloroplast ^ - ^. Soon they will talk about chlorophyll synthesis by hens too, right? Pfff anything.
  • I know it's nonsense, Augustine! I let myself be had at the beginning, as with the guy who said on the radio that you had to eat animals if you wanted to have muscles, but I understand now that these amino acids, it is urgent and important that everyone realizes it, no animal can synthesize them NO MORE, not more cows than pigs than carnivores, birds, Santa Claus or the abominable snowman. Moreover, even in the feeding sites of cattle they speak only of this: the main concern of breeders is how to bring these essential amino acids to their animals since they do not know how to synthesize them.
  • Z had only to let them graze grass, in the grass they are all there, and in perfect quantities, it's not for nothing that herbivores eat grass in nature!
  • Yes, but you know that since they locked them in sheds, they feed them with everything but their physiological food, at one time they even made them eat animal meal, cows ...
  • Nonnnnn, they are hammers your breeders! From animal meal to cows? And how did it end?
  • Ben, with a ragged epidemic, they called it "mad cow".
  • Are inflated, anyway: it is especially they who are crazy ... In short, and then they manage how to bring them all the essential amino acids in good quantity?
  • They give them cereals, and legumes.
  • Here, I was going to tell you. Are not that stupid, finally: crazy, but not stupid. They understood everything. To go back a little bit about the essential amino acids, the eight musketeers, there, I give you a mnemonic pipe: The Tristan Lyric Truly Makes Meditate Iseult. In other words: Leucine, Threonine, Lysine, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Valine, Methionine and Isoleucine. In reality there are two others, a little apart: arginine, which the human being knows how to synthesize BUT not always in sufficient quantity, and the histidine, essential only to newborns who do not know them at all do it. Like the bike they will learn that a little later. The other ten amino acids, the non-essential, do not pose any problems; as long as we ingest proteins we will always have them, and if unfortunately one of them was missing, it would be made from the others.
  • OK ... And you confirm that all are in all the proteins that exist?
  • Of course: in your bodies, in those of animals and in all vegetable proteins; not everywhere in identical quantities: cereals, for example, lack a little lysine, and legumes are lacking, a little methionine, but on the other hand in lysine they are very rich: suddenly, by eating a little of both, they are complete this small inconvenience is settled in two strokes colander.
  • I know Augustine, how do you think I eat? Especially that varying also fruits, vegetables, nuts etc, we vary the contributions and we lack nothing. Then there is also soy and quinoa, which are downright perfectly balanced in essential amino acids. But this fucking sibylline formula rode in almost every nutrition item, especially since more and more people decide to do without animal protein by discovering the realities of animal husbandry and slaughter: we are swing around everywhere to scare people and discourage them! And since people like meat, they use it as an argument to keep eating it ...
  • How awful. How can one kill or let an animal be killed when one is a human being, that is to say not a carnivore who, unfortunately, can not do without it, especially with your stores full of all the fruits, Vegetables, cereals, pulses from one end of the year to the other ... Keep in mind, their meat, it contains less leucine for example than me, which is a simple broken pea protein; and always in passing, you could still ask me where I came from, by the way!
  • Yes, forgive Augustine. I love peas and more broken, I put in all my veggie soups since I'm vegan! And it makes delicious purees, too, added to potatoes!
  • Well, you'll think of me like that, next time. Finally to summarize, and it will be the final thrust: of the 20 amino acids needed for the synthesis of life proteins, all plants can synthesize the 20 of all pieces (and do not hesitate to do it at any end of fields!) Note: 20/20. Conversely, all animals are totally dependent on the external supply of amino acids, through which they conceive their own proteins in two different ways: either by using as such the amino acids extracted from the imported proteins (the more frequent), vegetable for those who eat plants, or animal for those who eat animals, either by "recombining" some (but always from those ingested, which represent in any case their only contribution of nitrogen). Thus it can be concluded that in this matter the animals are particularly distinguished, as long as they are and human understood, by their fundamental inability to synthesize 8 out of the 20, not to say 10 in some cases. Go wide: 12/20. And there we say thank you who?
  • Thanks, Augustine! I do not know how to thank you for all these lights. Anyway, in case people do not believe you, I just found this excerpt from a symposium on livestock nutrition, titled: "Balancing Rations for Amino Acids: Dream or Reality". (Yes, by the way, dream or reality, we would like to know!): "Amino acids fall into two categories: essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. Although both categories are essential for the manufacture of proteins, these qualifiers have been attributed according to the physiological capacity of the animal to make them. Briefly, remember that the animal is incapable of producing the essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.
  • And Bam !
  • Yes, and knock, as you say ^^. Good night Augustine, I was really happy to talk to you. And sorry if I tapped on protein, but you'll understand it was for a good cause. You do not want me ?
  • Not at all. I told you, I do not understand me either that people persist in wanting to kill or kill animals as soft as lambs or calves when they could do without and feed on the vegetable source that is there for that.
  • Yes, it makes me sad. There is another thing that makes me sad, Augustine ... It's that you too will make you "shrivel the portrait" by someone's digestion ...
  • Do not be sad, Michele: I'm made for that. I have neither dad nor mom, I come from a plant! I am locked in a broken pea, a small seed that has no mouth, no eyes, no nerves, I do not run, I do not climb, I do not jump - unless someone eats me : then I become a part of his body and my little acids continue their destiny ...
  • Good night Augustine, I will never forget you.
  • Good night Michele, and maybe see you soon? I'll go for a walk in one of your soups, one of those four. That way we'll be ... intimate.

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