Had enough of EAR INFECTIONS and DOCTORS' VISITS? Here's a simple, cheap, quick solution...

in #health8 years ago

One of the things I hear over and over again is mothers talking about taking their kids to the doctor for ear infections. I used to be that mother, too. I had a chronically ill child, and that was one of the things that I repeatedly "had" to take her to the doctor for. Antibiotics, antibiotics, immune system-killing anibiotics!!! It was horrible how ill she was for many years. But, my mother-in-law had started to teach me a little about natural health before I was married, and I started thinking maybe there is something natural that I can do for my daughter other than these expensive doctor's visits, etc. So, I discovered a wonderful product and I can't ever remember taking her back to the doctor, again, for ear infections after that. Yep, I tell you that it is absolutely that good. They are called Nutribiotic Ear Drops. You can find them here: http://www.nutribiotic.com/ear-drops.html. (This is not an affiliate link) I know other people sell them, too. I found mine at a local healthfood store the first time. I have been around the ear infection situation so many times that I usually recognize the particular cough that seems to accompany them sometimes. That cough isn't usually treatable like a cough that is from a sore throat, etc. because it is from the ears draining down the throat. So, giving them stuff to clear their throat doesn't really keep it clear. We have to move up higher and address the ears by using drops, or use a natural antibiotic herb or something like coconut oil (they say some people are allergic to coconut). Coconut oil is very good at clearing the sinuses. :D Anyway, even though my children are older now, I still keep those drops around and take them with us on vacation, etc. They are safe enough to use daily. If you do use them daily, maybe night time would be best because since they are drops they muffle hearing a little bit. : ) Every once in awhile, I will make the motherly rounds of putting warm drops in my family's ears, just for good measure or because I notice one or more of them seem to have muffled hearing like their ears are a little clogged. Yes, I even put them in my husband's ears. :D Dr. Mom/Wife. Haha!! Anyway, I am not a certified doctor, yet, so, do what you feel you should about my advice. I just want as many people to know they don't have to do the rat race doctor visits to keep their family healthy. Have a great day!! :D


I'm glad I stumbled across your post. We dealt with countless ear infections with our older son. And it always seemed that they came on weekends and holidays, or when we were traveling -- the most expensive and inconvenient timing.
He is five now and no longer has a problem with them. But we have a six-month-old boy who I fear will have the same issues. I bookmarked your post so my wife can read it later. Upvoted and following, too!

Aw, thank you so much for letting me know!! I totally hope that you don't ever have any more situations with ear infections or sickness in your household!! Kids, families, and people in general go through enough tough times without adding sickness to it. Have a great day! :D

I'm sure we will go through some illnesses. But that is part of life. I appreciate your well-wishes! Have a great day, too.

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