The will in will power- what will you accomplish today?

in #health8 years ago

Hey Friends,

It has been a rough 4 days not being able to workout. I got my big girl tattoo touched up and had to wait a few days to let it begin to heal. In those few days I had time to reflect on a thought I had. Before I had any ambition to exercise I would have friends who worked out daily ask me if I ever went to the gym or did any form of exercise... I'd say other than about 4 miles of walking at work a day, no! I would be asked why and I didn't ever have a real good response other than I was so busy with work. As much as I was told to work out I seemed to not care about what others would say or even wince at the idea of going to the gym. I figured what I was doing (walking at work) was good enough.

I finally decided that I needed to focus on better health! The more you exercise throughout life.. the longer you are expected to live. I had been starting a routine and getting comfortable with it, feeling good about myself , and loving the result of feeling that I accomplished something amazing. A friend (who is in body building competitions) asked how I've been recently... I told him I started working out and he said I didn't think I'd EVER hear you say that. I started to explain how I feel like I have a clear mind and more energy from working out and that I cannot even begin to explain how exercising has made me feel. I would have shrugged my shoulder weeks ago about working out... I am a new person and I am addicted to seeing myself work hard and creating a result that is bettering my health. I thought to myself, why didn't I listen to my friends who were trying to help me start this journey sooner. The reason is not one person can convince YOU, motivate YOU, or better your health other than YOU!

Here are a few pictures taken by my supportive sister at the gym today! I hope you know that if you want something bad enough you can make anything happen :)

20lbs of pure amazingness, work those muscles!

Working those biceps!

Leg Extensions-60lbs, works inner thighs!

Push ups.... Ugh- 3 sets of 8

Working those inner thighs with bar bell squats!

Doing my fancy bicycle crunches

I hope I have inspired you today...remember that no one can tell you who to be or what to do but YOU!

Enjoy and follow me if you like what you see :)



am a follower now =D nice

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