Poll:65 Ever broke a bone?

in #health6 years ago


Accidents happen all the time some more unfortunate than others and take time to heal and for physical activity to return to your normal, most summertime accidents are sports related.

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Poll:65 Ever broke a bone?


Casi tuve un esguince, justo antes de recibir mi titulo fui en muletas a recibirlo, la vida es positiva o negativa depende de ti el enfoque que le des.
Si estas en muletas sillas de ruedas he aprendido que en buena vibra así dependas de otros la vida es mas fácil me gusto tu post te seguiré espero me sigas .saludos.

Screenshot from 2018-09-12 12-49-59.png

I almost had a sprain, just before receiving my title I went on crutches to receive it, life is positive or negative depends on you the approach you give it. If you are on crutches wheelchairs I have learned that in good vibes and depend on others life is easier I liked your post I will follow you I hope you follow me.

that makes it a bit more readable to me ... well, @roxyal85 i can only speak for myself here but i follow back everyone who follows me and i unfollow those who dont on @rudyardcatling, if you think that makes a difference then just follow , ill get back within a few days :)

and you're right, being at the edge sure gives life a different angle

#Poll:65 Ever broke a bone?

yea ...

my right arm twice , second time they had to place it
without sedation, i can still hear the bones scraping as that doc put them in place, its like sound travelling through your skeleton and hearing it from the inside, or maybe it was imagination

i once crashed someones bike too, slipped about 10 meters over the asphalt, not wearing a helmet and just a t-shirt and a short , pretty miraculous i came off with a left arm looking like grind meat on the inside and torn ligaments ... if i didnt have the subconscious reflex to put my arm under my face would have scraped over 10m asphalt and id be even prettier today ...

a few of those things and you see life in another kind of relativity lol

makes falling steem price seem like something distant

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