in #health7 years ago


                             PLEASE HELP ME GIVE UP SMOKING !

Snapshot - 50.png

G'gay my name is Graham and I have been addicted to smokes for 30 years. I have tried every kind of pill, patch, book and even hypnosis but nothing seems to work and its literally killing me.
It just keeps sucking me back in to this soul crushing affliction. I Just have to give up and i'm desperate to do so.
I guess you may be wondering, how you can help me if i have already done all these things and nothing works ?

Well I need your support.
I need people to be there to help talk me though it when the cravings start and the smokes start to call to me.
Kind of like AA for a smoker.

I am a very loyal man especially to those who show me care and compassion. This trait in me also causes me to have a very low tolerance to guilt and guilt is what I know I will feel when genuine people are trying to help me and I don't value it.

By using the stronger traits in me to draw the will power to stop smoking I believe that a network of compassionate people will be the necessary catalyst for me to successfully give up.

I'm going to need a lot of people to follow me so that there is always someone there 24/7 when I need them, to give me that much needed support
Up votes would be nice but mostly I need you to follow, resteem and comment comment comment. So i have a constant suply of positive encouragement at all times.

I believe this will be the key to unlocking the will power I need to give up once and for all.

I will post regular updates on my progress , with the number of hours, days weeks and with your help years since the the last time I sparked up a coffin nail.
Once I have the necessary amount of followers ( I will know its enough when the stream of comments to this post is constant) I will start this epic ( for me) task. Will I need 50 a 100 a 1000 followers? I am not sure but one thing is for certain I can not do it without YOU .

THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to read my post and please, PLEASE follow and RESTEEM I truly need your help my new friend.

Take Care and may you be blessed
Kind regards


I smoked for 31 years a pack and a half to two packs a day. It's not going to be easy friend but keep trying. Never give up. Faith in God and his plan for your life also helps. Prayers to you friend and hope you can beat this. Upvoting and following.

I heard it once and it worked for my friend who used to smoke two packs a day: "Every time you feel like having a cigarette, drink a glass of water..." He is 56 yrs of age now, free of cigarettes for twenty years.
You'll also need a pair of balls to do it! (sorry but someone had to tell you this)

I see what your saying fiend but belittlement is not really encouragement.

Kids need encouragement

Thanks for the up vote : )

No problem

Keep busy, I quit years ago and got into health and fitness.
Constantly remind yourself of the benefits.
Start up at gym, you'll feel guilty for yourself by smoking because your undoing all your hard work.

But keeping busy worked the best.

Thank you very much ..I don't go to the gym but I'm building a homestead buy hand and your right keeping busy is helping

Following. It took me a while to quit too but I got there eventually. 14 years smoke free now!

Thank you very much. Wow you really beat it well done.
I hope to be able to say that one day

try to replacement something like drink water or gum. I was told our brain has some kind of algorithm. there is a cause with effect, have a lunch》drink a coffee, stressful by work 》smoking.
so when you feel smoking drink a cup of water or do steemit or carve in wood. I think you know everything i wrote.. I just want to help and make you feel not alone.

Thank you very have helped by just commenting and showing you care and that is exactly what I needed
Thank you again : )

You are a strong person for doing this, I believe in you!

Thank you so much : )

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