in #health6 years ago

Your Thoughts influence Your Health...

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Placebo & Nocebo Effects
We have all heard of the miraculous placebo effect: you take a simple aspirin strongly believing that it will reduce your cholesterol and it does! While the positive effects of placebo pills or treatments are widely known, very little is told about nocebo.

The nocebo effect is the negative reaction experienced by a patient who takes a harmless substance.

Positive vs. negative thinking

Human body responds positively or negatively depending on cultural norms, superstitions, suspicions or schemas, models transmitted from early childhood. The tendency to experience pleasure or the reluctance of facing life events, come from both our education and genetic heritage.

Is education to blame?

If you have been raised in a family where discipline is the defining word, the experience of pleasure for you translates into rigour and maxim strictness.

On the contrary, if you have been brought up in a family with very permissive rules, openness to novelty will be central for your personality. In other words, our upbringing has a lot to do with our later experience of satisfaction with life and positive views.

Placebo personality

The placebo and nocebo effects are both characterized by intense reactions and emotions, but have very different outcomes.

A cheerful optimistic person, able to truly believe in the benefits of a treatment, has the psychological resources to alleviate stress and view things in a positive manner. At the other end of the continuum, an individual guided by negative thoughts and pessimistic views can reduce if not annihilate the beneficial effects of a treatment, using the power of his thinking.

Nocebo personality

Unfortunately individuals who have a nocebo personality are also more resistant to positive thinking, having lower levels of self-esteem. These individuals are reluctant to other’s people good intentions and have a failure oriented mindset. For nocebos, dark expectations breen dark realities.

Beliefs that heal or sicken

Very few people understand that their minds governs their bodies. The will to live and a strong faith that one can surmount the problem with health sustaining drugs do play a role in maintaining a healthy life. Every time an individual will obsessively think of sickness and diseases, the consequences will shortly appear. In the same way, individuals guided by positive thinking will miraculously recover from the most irrecuperabile conditions.



Good post staying positive is a life changer

Brain is the boss
So many people are not aware of power of the boss

In my opinion, education does not affect the response to placebo or nocebo. Everything is in the mind of the person. The human brain has the power to counteract some diseases. There is a study that has shown that the brain has the power to restore the body. With respect to placebos, the brain does the work of remembering by believing that it is taking the indicated medication. And with respect to the nocebo, the brain does not assimilate the effect of the medication due to the refusal of the person to recover. An example is to lift an empty box thinking it is full. The brain transmits the information to lift a heavy box and when it is not a person suffers from hernia.

posting is very good and also positive @tatjanastan

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