That's the treatment

in #health6 years ago

Today is treatment day, which I have written about before but as an episode recap; due to a 20+ year chronic stomach illness, I started treatment a year and a half ago to control it, which means every 8 weeks I have an infusion. It helps a lot but for the next 5-6 days, I feel pretty blah with headaches and insane tiredness, fuzzy thinking. It is what it is though.

Yesterday, I had a blood test taken (part of the preparation for treatment) and it was almost painless. I have had literally hundreds of blood tests over the years but over the last few rounds of my treatment I have noted that there has been a change in the pain associated with it so much so that I have mentioned it to both the lab nurse taking the test and my wife.

To the nurses I have commended them on their skill and how painless it was but, after the second and third times, I suspected it was something else. I can't be that lucky to always get a nurse who has magical skills so, I asked yesterday if they have new needles. It turns out, they changed them in April but, I am the first patient to have mentioned it, at least for this particular nurse. She said that the company told they were sharper but, she hadn't noticed a difference personally while piercing and drawing blood.

Firstly, the nurses I had commended earlier never forwarded the information that they had new needles but didn't mind taking credit. I will put this down to forgetfulness. Secondly, it will likely make the experience of having blood taken much less of an issue for some people. I don't enjoy having needles but it isn't the end of the world for me but my wife, she has to lay down because she might faint. It isn't the pain, it is the thought about it for the most part.

Today, a student nurse tapped the vein in my left hand to put the cannula in. You might notice from the image that it is actually now in my right hand. He missed. It wasn't really his fault though because I have veins of steel, the stupidest super power to have for someone that needs to get a lot of needles. Even though I don't mind blood tests, putting the drip in I dislike, it is the thought of it. Having to do it twice is worse, the record was 6 times.

What I find interesting about the new needle design though is that how much difference a tiny change can make to the experience considering the old needles were obviously still very sharp. I am yet to find out what has actually changed in the process of making them but the difference it must be relatively small but I am glad that someone was doing their job and cared enough to make a sharper needle. Although it isn't going to ever make the experience pleasant for most people, it definitely takes away some of the anxiety associated with it.

What improves the experience the most here though isn't the needles (even if they get it first time), it is the staff, the nurses who do their job well, joke and have a laugh, ask about family, my daughter and tell about their own lives. Today, I proofread a CV for one of the nurses as she is applying for an international position and knows that I am qualified enough to check it over. As I listen to them speak together about all of the various tasks they do, there is a comfort and a community here, they are friends. It makes a massive difference compared to some of the places I have been and, some of the places where my daughter has been treated.

When it comes to making an unpleasant experience bearable or reducing the discomfort of the mind, there is nothing like good people who at least appear to care about who they are dealing with. Having a community isn't just about building, it is also about being able to have the ability to face adversity together too. I find that during the hard times on Steem, it is the ones who have an engaged community network around them that suffer the least and are the most likely to make it through to the good times.

A few small changes to the tech can make things much better like the sharp needles but, it is the people who make the largest difference.

[ a Steemit original ]


I had not had to get any dental work done in prolly a few decades and I finally had to have cavity filled. I noticed instantly how different the needles were from 20 years ago. Technology is good for something at least :)

You bear your illness with so much improvisational resilience and bravery. You make lemonade out of lemons so frequently. You always try to see the opportunities and challenges in adversity. You make the communities of which you are part better.

Thank you, it means a lot. I have lived so long with what would be considered poor health that it has become a part of life. Not acting until the body is better is not going to work for me, better to act even if limited in movement.

she might faint. It isn't the pain, it is the thought about it for the most part.

This happened to me a while ago. I went to the health center to figure out what's wrong with my wrist, got sent to blood tests to eliminate any chronic conditions. I thought I'd be fine sitting but nope, passed out. I wasn't even looking at my hand when it happened. I would've been able to handle the anxiety, but what the hell can you do when you just pass out? :D

But it really made it much easier that the nurse was completely cool with the situation and I was able to laugh it off: "Oh man, I passed out, again, haha", and then the nurse telling about her own experiences at the start of her studying and confronting blood.

A friendly and calm environment makes a big difference in such places that are in a lot of cases associated with fear and anxiety already.

Oh, my blood work: nothing out the ordinary, as expected, because my problem was associated with sports; pain in the wrist upon wrist extension and pressure – the push-up position. Though I found few conditioning exercises and stretches that I'm actually seeing results with – I can already do push-ups with palms! Though I'm kind of fond with doing them with fists already, but I can't wait to be able to do handstanding after two years!

Makes me appreciate my own health much more knowing about all the chronic conditions, because just this tiny problem has been an annoyance for me and a slightly limiting factor.

Though considering your consistency, your treatment will cause little if any effect on your posting behavior despite its effects, am I right? :D

Hope you complete the treatment without the headaches and the tiredness :-)

You drew some pretty good parallels between the medical community you are with right now and the community here on steem. Although the analogy could be used generally but it especially strikes at the heart of the issue we are facing here.

A lot of people making noise in Dec-Jan period disappeared by March and then the crowd from May highs also slunked back into their caves. Its like a cycle and and after every run you can see the ones who are actually willing to stay and build something here and the ones who were just here trying to skim the cream.

The willingness to be part of the community is an probably the first crucial step. In the hurry to make money, I think most don't even realize it.

Hey mate. You wouldn’t happen to be another colitis sufferer would you?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I hate blood tests and cant even see the needles. I think your are going throu a lot ... Many blood tests in the year can be a bit too much and you need to eat well to replace the blood and the vitamins.

Get well soon @tarazkp. I know how painful it is, just make sure to always drink your meds and follow your doctors advice. Take care. 😊

Well, you gotta do what you gotta do...And make sure you take your other prescriptions too. Just saying. I'm the older brother so you gotta listen. :)

Good advice, big brother!

So sad I hope you get well soon in shaa allah

The endless needles and the numbness I don't miss, at all. But yeah the warm and caring nurses/doctors do make the whole experience bearable and they deserve more recognition for that.

Been a long time btw, hope all is well on your side.

Posted using Partiko Android

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