Dog walk diaries: new moves

in #health6 years ago


A couple of weeks ago I started back at the gym after over a year away. So far, it has mostly been pretty light weights and moves to try and get my body somewhat prepared for heavier pushing. I figured it as going to take me longer than I had first thought after I struggled to bench my old warm up weight. Getting old.

Last night I did my first 'proper' workout and this morning I am feeling it, especially in places I shouldn't be, like my neck. I have spent so much time sitting over the last year that my body parts are out of sync with each other and effectively no longer well connected when moving.

The neck pain is a symptom of frozen shoulders while typing and arms while on the phone. A client yesterday was saying her doctor said her back wasn't bad enough yet to warrant an adjustable table in the workplace. I found this interesting considering preventative healthcare is much cheaper for everyone than rehabilitation. Keeping healthy is easier than treating sick.

I should know this.

I have also started being a little more strict with my diet and cutting out stone empty calories. I am already feeling the difference, even if I don't think it is visible yet.

For the younger folk who may be reading this, it is easy to feel like your body is always going to recover and absorb the dietary abuse but, it really is a slippery slope and if not careful, a cliff. We are all likely to live longer than the current averages so we should think much longer term than what we look like in the mirror today. I am going to take it all more seriously.

Well at least, that is the plan.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


As you pretty much wrote already: the older we get, the harder we have to work just to maintain our muscles and mobility in the state that it is now.

But of course things aren't even that simple. One can exercise a lot and still have sore neck / wrist / shoulders / back because of the excessive sitting or wrong posture when working.

It's also the amount of small movement, posture correction and changing position + a little bit of stretching every day that counts. Small things that add up during ones life and daily routine. In good or bad.

It really is a shame that preventing health problems doesn't get enough attention as it really is cheaper than rehabilitation. Short-sightedness. And it's not only the healthcare that has that problem.

It really is a shame that preventing health problems doesn't get enough attention as it really is cheaper than rehabilitation. Short-sightedness. And it's not only the healthcare that has that problem.

I always wanted the sugar tax to be completely offset 1:1 against fresh foods so those who ate better were subsidized by those who didn't :)

You know, It took me about 40 minutes to write my comment above and I really didn't take any breaks, just tons of stretches when I was thinking how to mold my words and sentences so that my text would be readable and understandable to everyone, even me, because I like to write excessively long sentences, but then again my vocabulary in English isn't that huge. And now you're hitting me with a sentence that I have only a faint clue how to answer because I'm not sure if I understood you.

You know, I have an opinion, now I'm closing my eyes and hoping it hits the target.

So here goes nothing: Yes. I agree! Darn those sugar lobbyists in the government! Fight the sugarless power!

lol. Just so you know, I have spent the last 15 years teaching here so, I will work it out ;)

You understood correctly. They scrapped the sugar tax instead of using it to encourage healthy eating.

Ahhh that six pack. When those abs had that chocolate bar look. Without much effort even.

Surprisingly past 40 they don’t stick to those looks anymore. They look always more like a Heineken six pack outcome. Not that I drink that thing but...

Ahhh that six pack.

Never in my life. I have been strong and fit before but have never managed to get a six pack even with a very strict diet. Perhaps in old age as my body atrophies completely.

It depends on your inherent build on how long you can get away with doing nothing. I cant anymore, but was a skinny lad when I was young. The weight creeps up on you even for the skinny gene types if you are not careful.

I haven't got skinny nor fat. I am pretty average but I feel a few kilos easily and I get uncomfortable. I would love to drop 10 kilos but I don't think it is possible considering my sweet tooth :)

Are you bringing your own supply of lettuce leaves and carrots to SF3 while watching us all gorge?

Yeah I have to as it is the only way I am going to squeeze into the leather catsuits I am packing.

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