Integrate with your children

in #health6 years ago

Parents often feel isolated when a new child arrives. Mothers often have the task of changing diapers, nutrition and public care. Parents are eagerly waiting for the time when their children grow up to play with them. However, the role of parents in these early years is very important for social growth Emotional, physical and physical. In this article, we will learn some tips to help parents feel more involved in the affairs of their young children. Whatever you are busy, a few minutes a day will make a difference in your child's attachment to your child.

1. Feed your child

Whether your child is newly born or in primary school, sharing your child's nurturing and nurturing creates a bond. In the case of infants, parents can feed their children with supplements or breast-feeding alternatives. Look for a comfortable chair, put your feet, carry your baby, the food. Your child will learn to trust you in meeting his or her basic needs, and then an intimate bond will arise between you and remember to talk to him and embrace him.

You may imagine that you do not have a role during the breastfeeding period, but you can be present. You can hug your wife as she feeds the baby. You can raise the baby's head or put your hands on his shoulder to send him a message that you are next to him.

2. Know the moods of your child

All children have a variety of moods and patterns of birth, with each mood preceded by one or two indicating that they are moving in a certain direction. For example, your child may begin to rub his face with his hands and then learn that he has begun to get tired. By learning these signs, through your child's accurate and long observation, you can begin to anticipate his behavior over time. You can then provide your child with what he needs before he knows he needs it, and this will help you understand your child deeply

3. Spend some quiet time with him

While parents love to play, children may not always care about active play, so it's important to learn to do quiet activities with them, such as playing quietly with your child, reading to them, arranging cubes with them, talking to them about the colors, shapes and sounds of animals. Watching movies with them, going out with them, watching insects, birds, plants, and rocks. Simply spending quiet time with your child, without their mother, can help you feel close to him.

4. Co-sponsored

Children need to comb their hair, wear their clothes, and in fact need care and attention around the clock. One of the best ways to communicate with your young child and feel more integrated is to co-sponsor him. Volunteer by giving him a bath or lying down in bed. Simply participate in part of his daily routine and be an active caregiver. If you're not sure what to do, ask your wife to let you know, but do not let her tell you exactly how to do it. Simply because part of the attachment of children to their parents comes from the fact that parents sometimes do different things, and it is good for your child to test both parents who care for him.

5. Co-sponsored in kindergarten and school

Finally, when your child goes to day care or nursery, take an active part in decision-making and learning, and make sure to interview his or her teachers. Go to school events and show your child that you are interested in all aspects of his life. You are important to your child's growth, so take the initiative and intervene!

6. Make your child share some of your tasks

Little children can participate in some of the tasks the father does, such as washing the car or going with him to the maintenance centers, or helping to repair some household breakdowns, which is important to cost him with the tasks that are appropriate for his age and does not represent any danger to him. He took the opportunity to teach him how to preserve For his safety with some important advice, for example with regard to dealing with electricity, or in relation to sun protection or wounds or otherwise.

7. Perform prayer with the child

Whatever religion, the child's participation with you in your prayers, and going with you to places of worship is very important for a good relationship with God. The relationship between man and his father is the form of his relationship with his Lord. If the relationship between father and child is strong, close and close, the relationship with God is stronger and stronger.

In the end, I would like to clarify my personal opinion on this important subject. It is your child. Your project is your future. Try to raise all the moral values that you learned and add the mechanism of experience and be an assistant in life and crises and problems and to occupy religion to be on the right track and watch his friends because they are close to him and learn from them and helps to make decision and self-reliance

في النهاية ، أود أن أوضح رأيي الشخصي حول هذا الموضوع الهام. إنه طفلك. مشروعك هو مستقبلك. حاول أن تثير كل القيم الأخلاقية التي تعلمتها وأن تضيف آلية الخبرة وأن تكون مساعدًا في الحياة والأزمات والمشكلات ون يهتم بالدين لتكون على المسار الصحيح وتشاهد أصدقاءه لأنهم قريبون منه ويتعلمون منهم ويساعد على اتخاذ القرار والاعتماد على الذات

واعتقد ان كل الاديان السماوية قد اهتمت بالتربية للاطفال والصلاة والصوم والتعليم والاخلاق ولذلك طفلك هو كنز لك ومستقبلك ومشروعك الذي سوف تتركه خلفك في الدنيا حاول التقرب لة وكن صديقا وليس عدوا لة وصل له المعلومة بطريقة ذكية وتحكم بة عن بعد دون مضايقات


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