Foods that help eliminate muscle spasm

in #health6 years ago

When the muscles contract involuntarily (contractions, we call this muscle spasm) This cramping may occur at night, or after exercise, and can last from a few seconds to several minutes.

Causes of muscle spasm

There are several reasons for muscle cramping:

  1. Deficiency of some minerals (such as magnesium, calcium or potassium).
  2. Compression of nerves.
  3. Blood shortage in the muscles.
  4. Muscle stress.
  5. Hypothyroidism.
  6. Pregnancy, menstruation, kidney failure and so on.
  • Treatment of home muscle cramping
    It was found that home muscle spasm can be treated by:
  • Stretching exercises.
  • The position of pain.
  • By eating some foods.

Foods that treat muscle spasm

1- Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain a lot of potassium and water. One cup of tomato juice provides 15% of the daily requirement of this ingredient, which can help maintain body moisture and prevent muscle spasm.

2. Seeds and nuts

It can provide the body with a lot of calcium and magnesium to prevent muscle spasm, a favorite kind of roasted almonds, roasted sunflower seeds, and if a person has blood pressure problems can be taken seeds and raw nuts.

3 - salmon

Each piece of salmon weighing (85 grams) is about 326 milligrams of potassium and 52 milligrams of sodium, and the word is useful in cases of muscle spasm due to lack of blood flow to the area of convulsions.

4-Natural orange juice

This potassium is close to 500 milligrams per cup, and about 27 milligrams of magnesium and calcium.

5 - dark leafy vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and kale, are usually rich in magnesium and calcium, and have been found to help ease menstrual pain in women.

6- Pickle juice

The content of pickled juice is high in sodium and water, so this juice has an effect on central nerve cells, which stimulates interaction that helps to relieve muscle spasm, so this juice is favored by many athletes.

7. Milk

Milk - as is known - contains proteins, sodium, potassium and calcium, all of which help to restore muscle tissue after exercise.

8-Watermelon (red and yellow)

Red watermelon contains mostly water (90%) and contains potassium, so it is excellent for moisturizing the body. Yellow watermelon is very beneficial to athletes because it contains plenty of water and a little sodium and contains magnesium and calcium. Effects of cramping.

9. Pulses

Legumes provide good amounts of magnesium, reaching 120 milligrams per cup of black beans, up to 71 milligrams per cup of lentils, legumes are useful in other ways, such as lowering the levels of harmful cholesterol, controlling sugar, and menstrual cramps due to Because it contains fibers.

10. Avocados

Avocado contains about twice the potassium content of bananas or sweet potatoes (about 975 milligrams). Potassium plays an important role in balance, muscle function and heart health.

11. Sweet potatoes

Regular potatoes and pumpkins are important sources of magnesium, calcium and potassium, but potatoes contain about six times as much calcium as those found in bananas.

12. Bananas

Benefits of bananas with muscle spasm, it contains magnesium, calcium and potassium.

13 . Chamomile

Because chamomile oil contains flavonoids (an anti-inflammatory), it can be used to massage the jerky muscles, and helps the chamomile soaked muscles relax.

14 - Cherry juice

It is very rich in antioxidant compounds and inflammation, so it helps relieve muscle pain in athletes, especially runners of them.

15 - berries

Whether it is in the form of juice or eat as it is, it helps to relax, as it accelerates healing and reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.

A good sleep is one way to get rid of muscle cramps with enough fluids, and ice bags or thermal pillows may help relieve muscle pain.

And add what I used to myself, which is a warm water and apple vinegar and some salt on the place of injury and good care of it and not fatigue the muscles and provide adequate rest in the need for any spasm

The health of the muscles is a blessing from God and must be maintained, healthy eating appropriate and appropriate medical care
I hope that I have explained in this research the most important types of food, which relied on counting sources

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فان الصحة العضلات هي نعمة من الله ولابد من المحافظة عليها والاكل الصحي المناسب والرعاية الطبية المناسبة
واتمني ان اكون قد وضحت في بحثي هذا اهم انواع الاطعمة والتي اعتمد فيها علي عد مصادر لاعطاء المعلومة المفيدة لاصدقائي

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Very useful tips! Thanks so much for sharing!

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