Benefits of Mushroom for Health

in #health6 years ago


Although mushrooms are often regarded as vegetables, but mushrooms can provide a variety of nutrients that you usually encounter in meat, nuts, and seeds. All types of mushrooms such as portobello, shitake, until button mushrooms are rich in essential nutrients and also low in calories. Here are the benefits of eating mushrooms regularly for the health of the body

Meskipun jamur sering dianggap sebagai sayuran, tetapi jamur dapat menyediakan berbagai nutrisi yang biasanya Anda temui dalam daging, kacang, dan biji-bijian. Semua jenis jamur seperti portobello, shitake, hingga jamur kancing kaya nutrisi penting dan juga rendah kalori. Berikut manfaat dari makan jamur secara teratur untuk kesehatan tubuh.

Source of vitamin D
Just like the human body, the fungus will also produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Even when eating button mushroom extract you will get vitamin D2 and D3 nutrition.

Sumber vitamin D
Sama seperti tubuh manusia, jamur juga akan menghasilkan vitamin D saat terkena sinar matahari. Bahkan ketika makan ekstrak jamur kancing Anda akan mendapatkan vitamin D2 dan nutrisi D3.

Boost the immune system
Mushrooms can boost your immune system by increasing the production of proteins and antivirals that are useful for protecting body cells and repairing body tissues. Mushrooms are also able to improve the health of dendritic cells present in your bone marrow to help boost the immune system from invading microbes.

Tingkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
Jamur dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda dengan meningkatkan produksi protein dan antivirus yang berguna untuk melindungi sel-sel tubuh dan memperbaiki jaringan tubuh. Jamur juga mampu meningkatkan kesehatan sel-sel dendritik yang ada di sumsum tulang Anda untuk membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dari menyerang mikroba.

Source of antioxidants
Mushrooms are a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants such as selenium are useful to protect the body's cells from health problems that can cause chronic disease.

Sumber antioksidan
Jamur adalah sumber antioksidan yang baik. Antioksidan seperti selenium berguna untuk melindungi sel-sel tubuh dari masalah kesehatan yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit kronis.

Control weight
If you want to lose weight, you can try to replace meat consumption with mushrooms. A study showed that by eating mushrooms it can show improvement in body composition such as reduction of waist circumference and weight loss.

Kontrol berat
Jika ingin menurunkan berat badan, Anda bisa mencoba mengganti konsumsi daging dengan jamur. Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan makan jamur itu dapat menunjukkan peningkatan komposisi tubuh seperti pengurangan lingkar pinggang dan penurunan berat badan.

Fight cancer
Fungus is a natural food that can fight cancer. Eating mushrooms on a regular basis can lower your risk of developing breast cancer. In addition shitake mushrooms are also known to inhibit tumor growth.

Melawan kanker
Jamur adalah makanan alami yang bisa melawan kanker. Mengonsumsi jamur secara teratur dapat menurunkan risiko terkena kanker payudara. Selain jamur shitake juga diketahui menghambat pertum buhan tumor

Wow I never knew that mushrooms have such amazing benefits....thanks for sharing the knowledge.

Your welcome

Great info, thanks for sharing!

Your welcome

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