These are common symptoms of brain attacks, FAST and save.

in #health6 years ago

In the winter season, cases of stroke (brain attack) increase far more than other seasons. The medical condition can be fatal if negligence is done, but with some precautions, where the stroke can be avoided, at the same time the effective treatment of this disease is also possible. In any part of the brain there is a stroke (brain attack) due to the supply of blood disrupted or severely reduced. Due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues of the brain due to the stroke, brain cells begin to die in a few minutes. Upon proper treatment as soon as possible, the brain damage and potential complications can be reduced.

Identify such
Trouble speaking and understanding There may be stutter in the voice or it can be difficult to understand someone's point of view.
Deficiency or numbness in the face, arm or leg Especially feeling a sudden numbness or weakness in one side of the body, arm or leg of the body.
Feeling difficult to see one or both eyes. You can suddenly look dark or black with one or both eyes or two of the one can look.
Suddenly there may be severe headache and with this, it can be vomiting, dizziness or unconsciousness.
Trouble in walking Suddenly faltering while walking more.
Understand the meaning of 'fast'
If you are feeling a sign or stroke of stroke, then without losing time, relatives or loved ones should think about FAST and work again except you. The meaning of 'FAST' is ..

F - Face (face): Ask the person to smile. Is a part of his face hanging?

A - Arm: Ask the person to lift both arms. What a hand is going to fall. Is the person unable to raise his hands?

S - Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Is there a stutter in his voice or he speaks in a weird way.

T-time (time): If you have any of these signs, then contact the hospital immediately where neurologist and Neuro surgeon are available.

Types of stroke
About 85 percent of strokes are ischemic strokes. The remaining 15 percent of stroke is due to brain haemorrhage. A major cause of brain hemorrhage is high blood pressure. Ischemic stroke occurs when the arteries of the brain become narrow or blocked, causing excessive deficiency in blood flow. It is called ischemia. Ischemic stroke involves thrombotic stroke. When a brain makes blood clot (thrombus) in one of the blood vessels that supply blood, then the thrombotic stroke occurs. This clot is caused by fat deposits in the arteries (Plock) which causes obstruction of blood flow. This condition is called atherosclerosis.

Embolotic stroke
In any one of the arteries supplying the blood to the brain, away from the brain, any other organ, usually blood clots (thrombus) in your heart, which flows with blood flow makes the brain's blood arterial narrow. This type of blood clot is called embolus.

Transient ischemic attack
TIA: Ischemic Attack (TIA) is also known as Mini stroke. In this there are similar symptoms for a short time, the kind of symptoms occur during stroke. If there is a shortage of blood supply for some time in the brain, conditions of TIA will arise, which last for less than five minutes. If a person has TIA, then this means that an arterial blood supply to the brain or heart is partly blocked or the artery is narrowed.



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