Why Are Octopus Toys Growing Popular In Neo-natal Units?

in #health8 years ago

Based on World Health Organization reports, an estimated 15 million babies are born premature each year. This is an alarming 1 in 10 babies. Alot of concern and study goes into catering to preemies. 

Recently, Kangaroo Mother Care has been looked into and applied in some countries to reduce the need for incubators, thus reducing disease spread, while maintaining child-parent relationship. 

More recently, there have looks into: "Tentacles of Tenderness"

image source/credit to: curiosity.com

At growing pace, a number of neonatal units are amassing these colorful new residents: "hand-crocheted toy octopuses" to serve as sleep company for premature babies. These aren't only cute and cuddly, but benefit premature babies in important ways.

Image source/credit to: Spruttegruppen

This hasn't always the case! 

American Academy of Pediatrics has reported; that about 3,500 babies die annually in the United States during sleep, as a result of sleeping in unsafe environments. 

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) etc; is seen, to have been caused by strangulation, suffocation and entrapment, thus, it has long been recommended that parents should not let their babies sleep surrounded by stuffed toys.

 However, in the case of preemies, cuddly hand-crocheted toy octopuses serve a purpose! 

Toys in general, serve to comfort and calm babies during stressful times. However, in the case of toy octopuses and preemies, there is more! Indications are; that this sort of toy, remind babies of the umbilical cord as well as serves to keep wandering fingers away from tubes and monitors. 

"Babies are used to interacting with the placenta, while in womb and they tend to keep this activity on after they are born"; according to UCLA's Dr. Valencia Walker. 

Thus, soft crocheted tentacles keep their fingers comfortably occupied and their bodies safe.

Image source/credit to: Sprutte Indsamling

"Tentacles of Tenderness" Is A Growing Trend!

"Tentacles of Tenderness" broke ground in Denmark, when a father requested a crocheted octopus for his premature baby daughter. This became something worthy of observation and created the impetus for Spruttegruppen (Danish Octo Project), which has distributed these new toys to NICUs in Denmark since 2013 and trend is extending to other parts of the world as more requests these toys flock in constantly, from locations throughout the world.

More recently, the trend became popular in the UK, by means of English TV channel, upon which Poole Hospital, put out requests in November 2016, for volunteers to crochet octopuses for their amazing tiny patients. 

And by 2017, response has been great as the hospital received more than 200 of these homemade toys. 


How To Crochet Your Own NICU Octopus

video source/credit to: crocheteverafter.com

This project is set to continue with more conclusive studies intensifying as feedback from parents who have applied this indicated by a press release, where Daniel Lockyear, matron of neonatal services in Poole Hospital UK highlights amazing feedback from parents, who have tried the tentacles of tenderness with their babies:

"Parents say their babies seem calmer with an octopi friend to keep them company during sleep, so we're looking forward to continuing with the project in the future." Daniel Lockyear


                                                             Jasmine Smith and her octopus (image source/credit to: 1)

Additional article source/credit to: 








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