Chasing the Symptoms

in #health6 years ago (edited)


To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.—Amos Bronson Alcott

Medicine, under the conventional way it's been understood, is the body of knowledge and system dealing with health in the way of treating symptoms. Medical practitioners like doctors, shamans, herbalists, etc, are often looked at as an authority on matters of health whether this is justified or not. You could say all of the knowledge which some of them have learned is wrong and is continually becoming obsolete as data from new research invalidates previous claims. Yes, this is definitely an issue, yet I believe the more disinterested practitioners try not to loose of sight knowing it's a dynamic and ever changing art.

Something that seems to be never asked, always assumed to be true, is whether or not medicine in general is the wrong approach or even if it's effective with dealing with the root problem of health. Judging by the endless amounts of money being pumped by governments, organizations, and individual donations for further research and technological advancements, you would think that humans would be healthier than ever. This is far from the case, even though some diseases like Polio have been "eradicated" not even mentioning why they came to be in the first place, physical conditions like cancer and heart disease have accelerated in the so-called developed countries. In the end it's obviously apparent to me that the whole thing is a perpetual racket to treat the symptoms of bad health enough to sustain the functioning of a medical industrial complex; but not go deep enough which would get rid of it all, costing jobs and revenue from the various industries and individuals that benefit from it's continual existence.

The bigger concern and one that impacts nearly everyone is the psychological health of humanity. I believe a truly holistic and interdisciplinary approach to health is the only way humanity can get to the root of any "medical" and indeed all physiological problems including the more important one of how we deal with one another. As a civilization, we often assume progress is constant, especially in technology, so it's thought that society is equipped to deal with problems in the same manner other problems have been dealt with, consequently keeping us in a feedback loop of ignorance.

Don't get me wrong, if certain unfortunate circumstances leaves you with an ailment that can only be handled with antibiotics, herbs, or some other immediate medical intervention, then by all means go for it, standing firm toward your principles in this case would be irrational. Nevertheless, it's important be humble and realize medicine like any political action, is the art of chasing the symptoms of sickness, not one which seeks to make us into healthy individuals.

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Great post as always! I just want to leave this here for anyone who wants to see how far this particular rabbit hole goes...

Yeah thanks for showing these clips, the rabbit hole does go pretty far, especially when you look into the diet and the evolution of neurochemistry in humans.

What's your opinion on diet? I've been following the optimal diet recommended by the guy here, Loren Lockman, for nearly 3 years now, not 100% but close. I really think he's absolutely right, a raw mono fruit diet it is our natural, original diet. The fact that our closest primate relatives are all fruitarian is really proof of this that's difficult to argue against.

Yeah I pretty much agree. It's sort of more difficult in modern society unless you live in tropical areas where these types of fruits are abundantly available without having to rely on the global supply chain. But either way it's the optimal diet and very likely what made us human in the jungles.

I don't follow it 100% either but fruit is my main food source; though I think it's important to consider any gut changes humans have in consequence to eating cooked food and other veggies for eons. Perhaps one needs to slowly transition using various methods like fasting so you can get back into our natural source of living which is fundamental. You ever heard of Tony Wright? If not I recommend checking him out, he goes into the deep end showing how the insanity of humanity is related to our leaving of the forest and away from our main food source.

It doesn't surprise me at all to hear that fruit is also your main food source! I'm just watching an interview with Tony Wright now, incredible. Everything he's saying is exactly what I've felt and the conclusions I've come to by following this diet.

It's been so obvious to me for a long time that our home as a species is in the tropics, and the evolution of our advanced cognitive capabilities was fuelled by fruit, and a symbiosis between us and fruiting plants. When you follow a strict fruit diet you feel like a superhuman, mentally and physically. It is just so obvious that this relationship would have supercharged the development of early humans. He's so right too about how moving away from this ideal diet has led to a devolution in humanity in general, and a kind of madness and inner emotional chaos.

I personally could never go back to eating cooked food regularly, to me it literally feels the same as drinking alcohol every day, it's that negative an effect. I do usually eat one small cooked vegan meal every day, and everything else mono fruit meals. Even that I feel is not good for me, but it is bearable, and I do it just because of cravings caused by stress, work etc.

If I had to eat three cooked meals a day though I literally think I would have a total breakdown, I just could not physiologically or mentally do it any more.

Being 100% raw really is close to enlightenment.

It doesn't surprise me at all to hear that fruit is also your main food source! I'm just watching an interview with Tony Wright now, incredible. Everything he's saying is exactly what I've felt and the conclusions I've come to by following this diet.

It's been so obvious to me for a long time that our home as a species is in the tropics, and the evolution of our advanced cognitive capabilities was fuelled by fruit, and a symbiosis between us and fruiting plants. When you follow a strict fruit diet you feel like a superhuman, mentally and physically. It is just so obvious that this relationship would have supercharged the development of early humans. He's so right too about how moving away from this ideal diet has led to a devolution in humanity in general, and a kind of madness and inner emotional chaos.

I've always loved fruit and was lucky to have access to plentiful tropical fruits living in Brazil. And yeah, after starting to understand this subject it's crazy how it's all connected and it does explain some things that have troubled me about humanity. It all begins with with what we put into our bodies.

I personally could never go back to eating cooked food regularly, to me it literally feels the same as drinking alcohol every day, it's that negative an effect. I do usually eat one small cooked vegan meal every day, and everything else mono fruit meals. Even that I feel is not good for me, but it is bearable, and I do it just because of cravings caused by stress, work etc.

If I had to eat three cooked meals a day though I literally think I would have a total breakdown, I just could not physiologically or mentally do it any more.

Being 100% raw really is close to enlightenment.

Yeah I'm not at that level yet either. I do have cravings for cooked food and like you I only eat one cooked meal a day at most. It's a lot easier to be consistent with diet when you live in the tropics and have access such a food source. English breakfast and American for that matter, reflect the climate(temperate/cold) and that's why it's more common to eat a big cooked meal then, which I could never do.

I'm sure it must be amazing eating a fruit diet and living in the tropics, the quality of the fruit must be so good. The fruit we get here in the West has already travelled a long way and lost a lot of its taste, and hence a lot of the magic.

Hey! Voting on this post instead since your @ocd nomination was too close to payout. Keep up the good content! :)


I agree, I try to stay as much as possible outside the medical system, and I really have relatively good health. I have seen how people are constantly sick, and over-dependent on medications, which, as I see it, are artificial methods. As you said, we must understand that the health system is a business, and I would dare to add, that it has certain monopolistic characteristics that serve interests very different from ours. For this reason, I prefer to stay away from the health system, unless it is truly necessary to go to it.

That's good man, setting an example for others to not rely on a parasitic system. And yes, this industry is definitely monopolistic just like most other State subsidized industries which seems like all of them are all nowadays. Most people don't seem not to care though or don't even think there's a fundamental problem.

This is so true. And I know things are even worse in north-america because of elitistic two-party-system elites are constantly selling out. I have done some research about how to build muscle and I have heard that they put amfetamin and other shit into fat-burners so that when people eat them and can't feel their tongue, they think that they are burning fat.

lol it works though!

Medicine like arms is money and, as you say, an industry.

With pharmaceutical companies creating synthetic cannabis and charging hundreds of dollars for pills that cost cents to produce way after research costs have been recuperated it is not in their interests to heal us.

The system creates (un)health(y) consumers rather than cures.

As individuals we should assume responsibility for our own health as much as is reasonably feasible ~ exercise/diet/meditation/mindfulness etc.



Fully agree!

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