Krazy Kombucha Koncoctions .. What's your flava? .. My Immune System Infection Protection

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Summer is officially over .. WHOO HOOOOO!!!! I could not be happier :)

In California our temperatures have changed drastically over the past 2 weeks .. we went from temperatures in the 100's down to the nightly lows of mid-to-low 50's .. time for that extra blanket.

Because it is important for me to always be on my game as far as my health, this is the time of year I prepare to protect .. protect my immune system from nasty infections. My husband and I do not get sick, we are very well adults. I don't believe in flu shots, have never had one, and never plan on getting one .. I prefer to support my immune system naturally. I pump up the volume with Kombucha :)

What in the world is Kombucha? Well, Kombucha, otherwise known as Manchurian, "mushroom" has been used in Asian countries as well as Russia for centuries. Its not something you eat .. rather, it is fermented tea :) Sound delicious?? It is a mixture of water, sugar, green or black tea, and apple cider vinegar .. you can also add a bit of previously made tea as well .. you ferment these items for about a week. Below is a link to a site which shows you how to make your own Kombucha.

I notice for myself that drinking Kombucha daily is a natural energy booster, immune system booster and even a detoxifier. I live in Sacramento County, California which is a Valley filled with much airborne filth .. I can use all the detoxing I can get.

I used to make my Kombucha at home .. my husband could not stand it fermenting in the refrigerator .. I gave my scoby to my brother and started buying the store-bought Kombucha .. although quite expensive at about $3.49 per bottle (on sale), it's really convenient. The store-bought Kombucha comes in many flavors (my favorite is the grape with chia seeds) .. I typically buy several different flavors and start creating.


Kombucha is pretty popular .. My local grocery story carries a large selection of different flavored Kombucha bottled drinks. The top 2 shelves of this picture are all Kombucha flavors :) As you can see on the top shelf, left hand side, the empty space .. well, this is where my grape chia Kombucha would be .. they are always out of it .. of course they would be, its my favorite, and everyone elses as well, obviously.

Today I am going to share 3 of our family favorites with you .. I hope you enjoy!!

Cacao-Jammy Kombucha .. Kid tested, Grandmother approved :) It's a given that Chocolate and raspberry pairs perfectly .. this is a desert like scrumptious Kombucha bliss!!


Cacao-Jammy Kombucha recipe

1 tsp Cacao Powder - organic if possible - add more cacao if you like a more chocolaty flavor
1 tbsp Raspberry Preserves - organic if possible
1 bottle store-bought Kombucha - Raspberry Chia (you can also use the raspberry without the chia)

Sorry, I forgot to put the jar of preserves in the picture - here is what I used

It's important to use an oversized jar with a lid or a cocktail shaker .. when you shake the ingredients together, it will fizz up. I typically like to put my Kombucha Koncoctions in the blender for easier blending but on the drinks that have the Chia seeds, I like to hand blend to keep the seeds in tact .. I like the texture of the chia seeds :)

Could I have used a larger jar?? I always go with the extreme .. its just me!

add the Cacao powder and the preserves to the jar first .. then add the bottle of Kombucha .. shake vigorously until it is well mixed up .. pour into glasses, top with a couple of fresh or frozen raspberries and enjoy :) This one takes care of that sweet tooth and chocolate craving .. I get those regularly!!

Look at all those yummy seeds .. mmmmmmmmm!!!!

The small glass obviously is for the girls .. this is one that they like :)


Grapefruit Tart-Sour Kombucha .. This is one that the kids DO NOT like!! Seems like anything I do to doctor this one up, they frown over .. But myself, I love it!!! My husbands Mom always loved her Fresca .. this reminds me of a ice cold glass of Fresca :) AHHHHH REFRESHING. For those of you who do not remember Fresca, take a look at this can and maybe it will jog your memory :)

Image from

My recipe for Grapefruit Tart-Sour Kombuca

1/2 Grapefruit , juiced - you could also just use grapefruit juice store-bought
1/2 to 1 tsp honey - if you do not have honey, you could use sugar .. I would try 1/2 tsp first and add more if needed.
1 bottle store-bought Kombucha - Trilogy


Fill an oversized glass jar or cocktail shaker half-way with ice .. put the remaining ingredients in .. gently shake until mixed thoroughly..pour into glasses, top with a grapefruit wedge .. savor this Fresca like drink :)

I personally love grapefruit!!! Look at this beauty :)

MMMMMMM ... I like this one a lot!! You may not like all the foam on top, I just happen to like it.


Can you believe all of the Organic juice choices we have??

Yuppie Colada Kombucha
This is named for all the upscale posers living in Placer County California .. this is a sipping cocktail of which could easily be turned into an alcoholic beverage by adding some Vodka or Gin .. Although I have never tried it with alcohol, you could definitely turn this into a tasty Pina Colada :)

Does not make much sense to boost your immune system while getting drunk!! Don't recommend adding the Vodka or Gin .. but hey, knock yourself out!!!

Recipe for the Yuppie Colada Kombucha

1 Bottle store-bought Kombucha - Mystic Mango
Equal parts Pineapple juice and Coconut Water - I used 6 ounces Pineapple Juice and 6 ounces Coconut Water


Add the ingredients to an oversized glass jar or cocktail shaker, gently shake until mixed .. pour into glasses .. top with a piece of fresh pineapple. This drink is one that I like to put in the blender with some ice and blend into a frozen Yuppie Colada Kombucha. Even the Grandbabies like this one :)

I like mine blended in the blender with ice


I love fresh ripe pineapple when I can get it

Delicious :)

These are the 3 Kombucha drinks that we make most often in our house. I would love for you to share your favorite Kombucha concoctions .. feel free to comment in my post with your thoughts, opinions or Kombucha recipe .. I love the interaction.

**NOTE: I would have loved to share the Purple Hooter Kombucha with you but could not get my grape chia store-bought Kombucha .. maybe another day :)

Thank you for visiting today Friends .. I hope you incorporate Kombucha in your daily lives .. I want you to stay healthy so that we can chat regularly .. Thank you for being you and please know that SUNSHINE247 loves you lots!!!!


LMAO "this one is for the upscale posers" you are a hoot @sunshine247! Oh my goodness!

I bet I haven't told you that I make my own kombucha, have I? I took pictures of me making it last time for a post but then never followed through with posting it!

You have something very special available to you right there- GT's is my FAVORITE kombucha in all of the world (and I can say that!) I love it so much, the guava (pink one) is my favourite! I just had someone bring me a bottle from the states last month ;)

I love that you've made the kombucha into fun drinks! I just drink mine straight when I buy them but making my own, I add it into everything.

You are so right about it being a natural immune booster. The probiotics in it are unparalleled!

Keep drinking it up! That and many of the reasons you mentioned are probably why you're such a sunshine-y delight <3 Love you!

Thanks friend!!!! Post your Kombucha recipe - would love to read it :)

This is very interesting I have never heard of these, will go and see if we have any here in South Africa. You say it works well and I really believe you would not say so if it was not true. Will let you know if I find some. Thank you so much for a wonderful post. Have a nice warm day.

Thanks for visiting Friend .. If you do try one, try the grape .. it is super yummy!! SUNSHINE247

Hi @bigbear, if you can find some, I can teach you how to make it- super easy (you need 1 to start with!) <3 It's so good for you, it's like a multi-beneficial-vitamin-infused-pro-biotic superhouse and a must have in my kitchen!

Kambucha with Chia! That's a super drink. Reminds me of my time in Vilcabamba Ecuador. Kambucha was super popular there as there are a lot of health conscience x-pats living there. Great post! -Dan

Hi Friend!!! Thanks so much for visiting today .. I appreciate you!! SUNSHINE247

Thank you so much Dan!!!!!! Hope to see you around again real soon!!

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