First Thing’s First, Aid Kit

in #health6 years ago (edited)

I’m in the process of stocking up on my out and about supplies and I’ve got my eyes peeled for good camping gear. I’m a huge fan of multi-functional equipment like making straps and pulls from paracord or fire cord. The number one on my list which I have checked off was a first aid kit.

There are a few things in the first aid kits from your regular camping store that are invaluable like bandages, safety pins, tweezers and band aids. I acknowledge the antiseptics in my kit, but I can substitute those with something just as effective and completely natural that I can source and make myself, freely. This means I supplement my kit with a variety or tinctures and oils that I make myself right from the native land around me or herbs I can source from the apothecary down the cobblestone laneway, which is just the health food store.

Let me give you a couple of examples; my number one staple is lavender oil. Lavender grows like an out of control weed around these parts which is a huge bonus. If it’s local to your environment, it generally means you need it. Lavender has a pleasant aroma which is calming and can soothe headaches when applied to the temples. I use rosemary oil and turmeric oil as an antiseptic and antimicrobial on sores, cuts and bites. I’ll make sure I have dark clothes on when using turmeric oil. Oregano oil is effective as an insect repellent, I find it repels people as well because it’s so pungent. I apply these oils topically mixed with a carrier oil like a cold pressed olive oil or fractionated coconut oil as the skin can become intolerant to the concentrated version. Coconut oil I also use as sunscreen, that’s right, sunscreen!

The tinctures I use are made on an alcohol base as I find they are the most potent. My essential tinctures include echinacea to give the immune system a boost, especially helpful when feeling sick or in an environment where you constantly need to fight off other people’s colds and flus. Wormwood is nasty AF and bitter to the core, but it works a treat on food poisoning, parasites and infections. Feverfew for migraines, yarrow is another great bug repellent which also helps with dizziness and bleeding, dandelion for constipation, heartburn and indigestion. Finally, a good amount of plantain for the inevitable cuts and scrapes accumulated from curious adventures.

I also stock a few dried teas for the colder times like Valerian root, so helpful when a good night’s sleep is required. Peppermint for digestion, St Johns Wart to relieve swelling and soothe sore muscles and a bit of Ginseng tea to lift the mood and alleviate fatigue.

It’s somewhat empowering knowing that I’ve customised my own kit with healing tools that I’ve made myself and I know it will work with my body and not against my body. I’ve also added a striker, a knife, some plastic containers with water tight lids, cotton swabs and a map of the area marked with the areas where I’ve found these native plants and herbs.

It makes me think back to the old shamans that lived off the land and the Amazonian cultures that travel shirtless through the humid jungles barefoot with just a machete. Compared to those fair weathered and experienced tribes, we city folk that suckle from society’s breast are soft and weak. We’ve been raised this way from birth, having all luxuries at our fingertips and heaven forbid we would skip a meal or not have internet coverage for a day.

On the other hand, why would we worry or bother about the bare basics of survival, there’s an abundance of utilities that we’ve built and invented over centuries as part of our natural evolution, superseded the need for sapping a tree for medicine or weaving a bed mat. We rely on our corporations to supply us instantly and easily with our needs and in turn have forfeited quality, care and respect for our resources, putting our very bodies and minds under abuse. We live by our addictions and freak out when they’re not satisfied.

I’m not prescribing any of these oils, teas or tinctures for your ailments, it is just the way I choose to deal with my body’s health. I don’t take any pharmaceuticals or prescriptions as I know some of these natural remedies and create some chaos if used in combination with synthetic supplements. I will continue to learn form Earth’s resources especially as I am also one! What goes around, comes around.

** Natural stuffing lasts longer

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This is so cool that you make these on your own! I just came home from a barefoot walk in the forest with some edible leafy greens, strawberries and thyme :)

Oooooh drooool that sounds like a day in heaven. Some people call them weeds but I call them salad :P

I guess I have some new items to add to my bug out bag!

Oh yeah these would be perfect for a bug out bag!

Good day @stuffing, your post has been featured in the @offgrid-online outdoor adventure post #2, feel free to have a look and show some support to some of the other brilliant post featured ~

I love it. I really like not being full of shit and high maintenance, makes life so much easier to get through. Natural stuffing is the best.

Right there with ya ;)

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