Vegetarian diet between interest and caution

in #health7 years ago

A vegetarian person eats only plant-derived foods, and does not eat any animal feed. This also includes eggs, milk, and its derivatives. Is vegetarian diet beneficial to health? Does everyone fit? When to be cautious when followed?

There are bodies celebrating the International Planters Day, some celebrated on 1 October (World Vegetarian Day) and others celebrated on 1 November (World Vegan Day).

Some eat vegetarian diets to reduce their risk of certain diseases, while others may follow them for philosophical reasons for refusing to kill a living organism.

Proponents of vegetarianism offer the following arguments to support their plant-based diets:

  • Reduce the risk of heart attack, cancer and stroke.
  • Reduce exposure to bacteria in animal foods.
  • Provide more food to vulnerable groups, as many agricultural materials are fed to cows and poultry for the purpose of eating meat.
  • Save animals from being detained and then slaughtered on farms.
  • Reduce pressure on water sources.
  • Maintain environmental balance.
  • Reduce greenhouse gases that lead to global warming.
  • Mitigation of environmental pollution caused by animal husbandry.

Although medical references, recognizing that vegetarian diets have advantages and benefits, she says that attention should be paid to the following:

  • For nutrients that the body needs, care must be taken to diversify the intake of plant foods.

  • Plant foods take a large amount of stomach, so a person may eat a quantity of them and eat quickly, without getting energy needs, such as the elderly (who have little capacity to eat) and children (who have a small stomach size).

  • For older groups (the elderly and children) as well as patients or recovering from injuries or injuries, a full diet containing meat provides a food that contains a large amount of energy, eaten by a person in a smaller size, and thus the energy is focused and gets the person's need.

  • The plant diet for pregnant and lactating women should be carefully planned to ensure access to all nutrients.

  • Some nutrients should be observed when planning a plant diet, since they are usually in animal sources, so this diet should be planned to be available, preferably a specialist. These nutrients are:

Vitamin D".
Vitamin B12.
Omega-3 fatty acids.

On the other hand, some experts advise to follow the vegetarian diet with the eating of eggs and milk, and in this diet does not eat meat meat at all, but it eats poultry products such as eggs and dairy products, milk and dairy products, with a focus on the low-fat products.



but but but but meat tastes great cries

unhealthy food always taste good lol

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