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in #health7 years ago

I am a conservative but I despise companies like Monsanto. Our government (both sides of the aisle) have been letting this company destroy our water and land and hold us hostage with their gmo seeds. Companies like this have more than enough money to buy all the moral less politicians in D.C. I am a supporter of President Trump and his agenda but the establishment types like McCain will not let him accomplish anything. We can not expect Trump to do it all alone and need to vote in like minded people (not politicians) that will help the President advance his efforts and not hinder them. The President is very powerful but not all powerful, of course , that is by design. we need to give him help before we blame him for not doing enough. .....Great article Mr Rappaport. Awareness is the first step in winning. If nobody knows there is a battle then they don't know they need to fight. The main stream media is complicit in all of this by burying these stories for these companies. I live in Florida, this is the first I am hearing of this specific issue. You can guarantee that I will pass this info on to as many people as I can. God Bless


Hi Mr Gray,

Check out more by Jon Rapaport at He is a veteran truth journalist and has been covering deep state corporate health issues for 3 decades or more. I appreciate your response. Please see my other post from two days ago regarding the issue of vaccines and the transhumanist agenda being put forth by the deep state. I will follow you. @dakini5d

Thanks for the heads up dakini5d. i gave the follow.

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