Get Smart with Drugs? Nootropics, the smart pills.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Thanks to technology, in recent times, the quality of teaching has remarkably improved. Students have swift access to learning materials online. Irrespective of the availability of these reading resources, a good number of individuals still develop cold feets or jitters prior to writing their examinations. Exam stress lead many or the majority of students to resort to taking nootropics which is a class of cognitive-enhancing drugs (smart pills).


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Smart pills, as they are commonly known as, have been proven to bring about improvement in the cognitive performance and productivity levels of persons, this is especially when used properly. Nootropics has a good number of benefits, but they also have severe side effects when they are not taken properly. Follow through as we will be taking a rundown of how these smart drugs work and also pin point the line of excessive usage.

How Do Smart Drugs Work?

The very purpose of taking nootropics is to allow or enable an individual(s) stay alert for some more extended period of time. The very first smart pills discovered and used were methamphetamine amphetamine. A good number of bomber pilots took these drugs just before heading off for long missions especially during World War II. Amphetamines working mechanism basically releases and re-uptaking norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters. But, they should be taken appropriately as over usage would cause them to result in addiction. Another commonly used smart drugs includes; Methylphenidate (also referred to as Ritalin) .

Emphasis needs to be placed strongly on the fact that smart drugs are only to be take for a short-term period. It's quite sad that a good number of smart drugs users usually ignore this, rather they use them for long term. The long-term usage of nootropics can cause an array of health problems, the most common of which is an addiction.

Make a line drawn between the use and misuse of these smart drugs? Let's look at some factors which make smart drugs become unethical and a hazardous to one's health.

Potential Dangers of Nootropics


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There are certain side effects of taking nootropics for long-term. They include the following:

  • Brain chemistry alterations:

Based on research studies, it is very evident that the long term use of nootropics are bound d to alters
the proper functioning of the human brain. A good number of health experts even say that some certain sections of the brain will begin to expand or shrink.

  • Cognitive deficits:

There is also a high risk of suffering from cognitive deficits due to an extended use of nootropics. These could be easily compared with the side effects of taking in a lot or excess nicotine. Although when nicotine is used for a brief period, it's could serve as an excellent cognitive booster. But rather unfortunately, the long-term usage of it would result in destabilization.

  • Cumulative toll on the nervous system:

Not all nootropics eventually lead to a collective toll, as a good number of the stimulatory nootropics such as Provigil, will force the body to be on alert at most times, this could take a great toll on your body. These kind of nootropics would force the body to produce energy even when an individual feels fatigued. These in return would disrupts the circadian rhythm and utilizes the energy stores; thus accelerating the aging process and bringing about an alterations in how the body mechanisms works.


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Preventing above stated complications is easy, firstly, It is highly advisable that one should see a physician before attempting to intake any kind of smart drugs. A health expert is in the best position to give advise on the intake of some specific smart pill, also the duration of the intake of any smart drug. When you taking it right.... you need not worry.

We will be telling you about the positive effects of nootropics later, keep checking for updates

Happy New Week


Wow very interesting .. Thanks for sharing, I've heard so much about nootropics recently and only experimented once while I was in California but I have been really intrigued and want to give them a go... do you recommend any specific brands?

Considering the fact that I haven't tried any yet, I would suggest you get that answer from a trained medical personnel. Reduces chances of side effects.

Thank you

Good Post! Boost It Free

Tech's really advancing..
Would need to speak to my doctor about this;

Great write.

You should! Thanks dear

Good summary!

There is an ethical side to this which needs to be adressed as well. I do agree that there are situations when use of such substances could be ethically acceptable to use, like a surgeon performing a long and difficult life saving procedure. However, students passing an exam should not be one of those occasions, and are in my opinion the similar to the doping we regrettably see too much of in the sports. It would be a kind of cheating.

Imagine, an employer, hiring a new talent, that can choose between two equally good candidates and where it turns out one of them needs a constant supply of drugs to function. Who would you hire?

Hahaha. True that. I would hire the one without the drugs because with time the other would have to stop using the drugs. I get your point. Thank you.

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