♥ My two favorite home remedies, GARLIC and COLLOIDAL SILVER! ♥

in #health6 years ago

The school year has begun, and with it, the bombardment of GERMS.

We homeschool, but we are not immune to this either, as we come in contact with many school children in our activities.


I have two fantastic weapons in my arsenal against illness.

Well, perhaps more than two, but today I would like to outline how I use my two favorites: Garlic and Colloidal silver.

First of all, and my favorite, is GARLIC. This is a powerful herb, effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi! Raw garlic in particular is a fantastic way to combat things like everyday colds and flus, as well as other uses. When the latest illness rears its ugly head, this is my go-to. People we meet are all talking about the latest 'stomach bug' or 'cold' going around. We effectively avoid almost all these pesky things by taking our raw garlic.


There are many ways you can take it, I suppose.

I prefer to crush the clove, (to release allicin, a powerful antioxidant, and hydrogen sulfide), and chop into chunks small enough to swallow. Then I get some water and just swallow it like a pill. If you take it when you first feel that itch in the back of your throat signifying an oncoming illness, most likely you will avoid it altogether.

Garlic has many other health benefits, ranging from lowering cholesterol and preventing blood clots, to decreasing arterial plaque, lowering blood pressure, and even preventing some types of cancer! As you can see, its a pretty amazing herb!

Word of caution: garlic is a natural blood thinner, so avoid eating large amounts if you have a bleeding disorder or are on blood thinners.

My second favorite germ killer is colloidal silver!


This is basically silver ions suspended in pure water. Silver is a natural disinfectant and antibiotic! Like garlic, it kills bacteria, viruses and fungi. Like garlic, it can be used internally and externally. I have a silver generator to make my own, as buying it from the health food store gets quite expensive. I use it frequently for my children to ward off sicknesses. When they have a sore throat, they take some silver, and their throats feel better rapidly. (They cant swallow chunks of garlic, and I have yet to find a good way to get them to take raw garlic.) I have also used it for various other things, like eye infections in people and pets, livestock illness, injury disinfectant, ear infections in people and animals, etc.

Silver is effective against a long list of bacteria and viruses, and is quite safe to take.

There have been no reported interactions with medications, and no side effects other than better health due to consuming this wonderful stuff!

Now, in case you have heard the story of the 'blue man' who turned blue from taking colloidal silver, don't even worry about it. That man was not taking properly made silver. He made his silver in a saline solution, which is a big no-no, and drank huge quantities of this daily. Properly made silver is made with distilled water, no contaminants, and cannot turn you blue or any other color.


I have many other things I like to use in my quest to keep my family healthy, and I'll share those with you later, but for now, I hope you have found this informative and are inspired to give these things a try!

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day! ♥


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This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



Thank you for these tips @squishysquid, I've often wondered about swallowing garlic whole like a tablet, will try your method.
Colloidal Silver really is great for healing, we also have locally manufactured silver plasters and it's amazing how fast one heals using them. Of course using colloidal silver to clean the area before covering it, no need for ointment! Although there also is a silver ointment on the market which i use at times - hubby is diabetic and scratches take longer to heal. I only recently discovered the magic of colloidal silver. I would love to see how it's made!

It is truly amazing stuff! Ill have to do a post about making it one of these days. I need to order more silver rods first though, mine are almost gone!
Glad to hear how you use it! ♥

Look forward to that!

I agree! Garlic is very therapeutic!... it has lots of other health benefits. We should add more garlic in our everyday meal plan..

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, it is wonderful in cooking! I add garlic to many things I cook, and I think that is great for health also!

I’ve never thought to take garlic like a pill. I’m going to keep that in mind this upcoming season!

Works wonders for us! :D

Thank you for this very helpful tips. Yes, garlic is a natural antibacterial properties and is effective to ward off diseases, i have never heard of silver yet, but thank you for mentioning it here, pinned to research it for later.

Always love your posts, I learn something new each time! 😘

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