The Dreadful Drive: when life becomes a roller coaster take 3

in #health6 years ago

The dreadful drive.

Ozark, MO is an hour and forty-five minutes away from where we live currently. For whatever reason that day, February 22, 2017, seemed to be one of those, “we're never going to get there..”. I think it's safe to say that everyone was walking on eggshells at first. We're thinking the worst thing here and we just wanted to see inside his brain. I NEEDED to see inside, no amount of convincing or anything was going to ease my nerves until I seen what was happening inside there.

So we finally arrive at Carolyn's, walk in, I fill some paper work out and we had just a small wait. I could barely write because I was shaking so bad. We finally get back in the room and Carolyn is going through the papers I filled out. She goes, “He's had a lot of ear infections and strep throat?” I told her, "yes, because of the daycare, his immune system was super weak so it seemed like every other week it was something."

I remember after the questions she shook her head from listening to me and she goes, “He has this disorder called PANDAS.” We all just stare at her like, what you talking about PANDAS? You only seen him and been around him for maybe 5 minutes... Literally my momma bear side was thinking, “she's crazy there's no way she could come up with that without any scans” but in reality this amazing lady knows her stuff! She went into details on what PANDAS was, the cause of it and how we can try controlling it. She reassured us that she would do the head scan but honestly Bentley was fine, he didn't need it. But to ease our minds, her sweet soul let us do it anyways.
This scan, listen to how cool this scan is! Okay so all Bentley had to do was put on a pair of these special headphones. They literally look like just an ordinary pair of headphones. It was SO cool! We didn't have to worry about him being scared of a “big scary” machine. We didn't have to wait weeks for answers back on the results. We watched the board with a picture of his brain light up with different colors and numbers. Bentley thought it was the coolest thing ever! I think the whole scan took maybe 5-10 minutes and we had our answers right then!
The scan came back clear. His little brain was doing just fine. No tumors! Praise God! I think I cried a little and if I didn't, I know my insides were screaming “Hallelujah!!!”.
Okay. So we got the brain done, now to figure out how bad this PANDAS really was. This next scan is done by a handle cradle. He just places his little hand on this cradle, it looks just like a mouse you use for a computer but it was grey spots were your fingers/palm lay at. Those grey spots on the cradle are what “speaks to your body”. I will post a link that goes more into detail about the ZYTO .!prettyPhoto


Photo credit:!prettyPhoto

Now I know you might be asking yourself, “What's PANDAS?”. Well let me be clear, it's not the cute bear you see at the zoo!

Associated with
Streptococcal infections.

It's a toxin left behind in the body from several cases of strep throat. I call it the “Strep Monster”. We are trying to control it with supplements and diet. It can be rough at times but they're working great. Tomorrow I will tell you how much has changed from day 1 to now, challenges we have faced, and how we've adjusted with this new disorder.


That was the scariest thing ... the not knowing. The brain scan was SO cool -- and to know IMMEDIATELY he didn't have a tumor!!! WOW! Thank you GOD!!!

It's great that you could figure out what was wrong immediately. The fear of the unknown!!! I think most autoimmune diseases can be cured or better managed with healthy nutrition as you mentioned. We figured that out when my husband had an autoimmune disease years ago and regular doctors couldn't figure it out. I can't wait to find out how Bentley's life is now!

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