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RE: We Don't Vaccinate: How Sick has Become the New Normal

in #health8 years ago (edited)

This is a great and informative article. I have always been very sceptical about vaccinations and now my brother is expecting a new born and has decided already that he will not be subjecting his child to vaccinations, or even public schooling/de-education. The only thing is, there is legislation in the works at the moment in an attempt to make vaccinations mandatory in the UK. Parents will be liable to face charges if they do not have their child vaccinated and can also get fined for not sending your child to school to be indoctrinated into this sick system. I believe the mandatory vaccinations are already heading for full swing in the US also.
What then will we do, when the choice is between subjecting your child to a vaccination that you know is poison, or risk having your child taken off you by social services for "failing to protect them from harm"?
The hypocrisy is astonishing. This is a crime beyond belief.


Awareness is spreading. We also have the proof of CDC fraud on the Autism/MMR study from the whistleblower - 10,000 pages of CDC documention to prove they changed the real numbers and that that the MMR does cause autism. I think that we are at the tipping point and that the truth can't be suppressed much longer.
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."

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