Does My Child Need Occupational Therapy?

in #health3 years ago

Does your child have any difficulties with daily life? If yes, occupational therapy may help your child. Occupational therapy is a service that helps people who have difficulty doing daily tasks due to a medical condition or mental health problem.

In recent years, occupational therapy has been increasingly used with children. Occupational therapy is a well-established treatment for children who have physical or neurological problems, but the trend in recent years has been to use it with children who have developmental delays.

Better Rehab provides occupational therapy for children in Australia. In addition, Better Rehab offers children occupational therapy, speech pathology, exercise psychology, and physiotherapy.


Some common conditions that occupational therapy treats are: cerebral palsy, autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and developmental delays.

Occupational therapy is a type of physical and mental therapy that helps people, especially children, who have difficulty doing basic tasks. Some common problems that occupational therapists help people with are difficulty with holding a pen or pencil, trouble using utensils to eat, trouble using buttons and zippers on clothes, and difficulty with handwriting.

Occupational therapists will teach the child how to work around their challenges so they can still participate in school and other activities.

Caring for a child with special needs can be very demanding. It can also be frustrating to other family members as they try to help their loved ones with the same tasks as those without disabilities.

Occupational therapy can help those with physical and cognitive disabilities learn skills to help create self-sufficiency.

Every child can learn about their world, but for some children, this process takes a little more time. Occupational therapists can evaluate a child's needs and work with them to find strategies that will help them in everyday life.

It is very easy to see when a child may need occupational therapy. Many signs can show you whether or not your child needs help with their development.

If your child spends the majority of their time either sitting or laying on their stomach, they may need occupational therapy. An occupational therapist will be able to assist children in this type of situation by teaching them how to play with toys and games in more appropriate positions for their age.

Also, an occupational therapist will work with the family to identify skill challenges and set goals for what should be improved.


Better Rehab provides occupational therapy for children in Australia. In addition, Better Rehab offers children occupational therapy, speech pathology, exercise psychology, and physiotherapy.

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