
At least we do know for sure that any immunity a vaccine may provide is temporary at best. That's what BOOSTERS are all about. It used to be that you got one single measles vaccine and they said that was good for life. Then they said we needed just one more to get the immunity to stick. Then they added yet another one! I think it's 3 by the time you are 5-yrs-old. Then you need one as an older child or teen. And now they want adult to get measles boosters every once in a while! It's really stupid. All the boosters are pretty much their admission that the vaccines don't work properly. Funny how I had the actual measles, mumps and rubella as a child (no vaccine for those in Canada at the time) and I'm good for life! And my baby was safe during pregnancy because of my lasting immunity, and the baby was safe as long as I was breastfeeding. Crazy how so many young women today who get the rubella titres test when pregnant show up with no titers and are asked to get re-vaccinated ... then the same situation next pregnancy. Utter failure of the vaccines.

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