Controlling anger by yoga-

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Today, few of us will be such people who do not get angry. Anger is such a habit that after a moment you would have realized That's physical, mental, and social losses after your anger. You can get rid of yoga by your habit.

There is something easy in yoga that will make you successful in controlling your anger.

There are 5 easy ways to do this-

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1.Surya Namaskar -I have had a lot of fun because I am happy that I am going to meet 21 times before doing this.
Surya Namaskar brings peace to the body, mind, and soul.Along with this, body fatigue is removed, Because of which your mind gets peace, and you do not get angry.Surya Namaskar is done at the time of sunrise, then you get double benefits, one benefits of Surya Namaskar and second benefit of getting up early in the morning.



It makes adrenaline, the testicular gland, and ova glands strong.Lack of obesity, weakness, stature increase due to this posture and tiredness is far away. The weakness behind coming to anger is also a very big reason, Therefore, this posture can be easily controlled by anger.

3.Boat Pose -


By which the digestive system improves and good digestion system needs good health, and for the good health, the digestive system needs to be correct. Deterioration of digestive system makes the person irritable and stressed.

4.Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Left Nostril Breathing)-


If you do this practice every day you will get good results. It is more beneficial for an empty stomach during morning and evening. The period of this posture should be gradually increased. Taking away this pranayama leads to stress and stress is the reason for anger.

5.Bhramari Pranayama {Bee Breath}-


By doing Bhramari pranayama, there is sweetness in voice.It is also beneficial for heart disease.This makes the mind concentrated. With stomach disorders being suppressed, control over high blood pressure leads to less anger.

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