in #health7 years ago

The common notion that is now a norm is that you only abuse a drug when you take an overdose of that particular drug...A drug is any substance other than water that can initiate a pharmacological effect in a living system.

Let me do justice to that word OVERDOSE.
Overdose is two words joined together OVER and DOSE..where over is excess and dose is a required and standard amout of a drug requirements for management or treatment of an pathological or psychological state.
So if we say a drug is abused only when its taken in excessive required amount then what happens to other factors like

1.Taking drugs when you don't need it.

2.Taking drugs beacause of its side effect.

3.Taking it in disjointed mannerism and not following the prescriptions.

4 .stoping the use of a drug abruptly without proper medical consultations
Whether or not a medical condition is responding.

If you have ever taken a drug in OVERDOSE or you have indulged in any the above list of factors then in that innocence or deliberate act you have abused a drug.
**download.jpeg EFFECT OF DRUG ABUSE
1.Drug toxicity
2.Drug resistance problems
3.Drug drug interaction
4.Adverse drug effect
5.idiosyncratic reactions may occur
6.Drug dependence may occur


1.follow prescription

2.Get medical advice on any drug addiction problems

3.Before stoping or changing the use of any drug proper consultations from healthcare personnels should be made.

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