Depression "high risk disease"
Depression is an extremely complex disease. It cause can never found exactly, but it come or occur from variety of causes. Depression may caused from serious medical examination or illness, for some it may cause from failure in life or love, for some it may cause from parents fighting and some may get it from their social lives. People who may experience depression feel with sadness and loneliness for no known reason.
Main Causes of Depression?
There are number of reasons due to which depression occurs, here are some causes:-
Abuse. Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause the clinical depression later in life.
• Certain medications. There are some drugs with may cause depression like isotretinoin (used to treat acne), the antiviral drug interferon alpha.
• Death or a loss. Sadness from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, may cause a great deal of depression.
• Other personal problems. Problem which are really close to you personally and cause you sever tension like family problem, sex problem, love problem etc can cause depression upto a great limit.
you child might be at high risk of depression:)
• Serious illnesses. Depression can be caused from serious illness when the patient thinks of him/herself and his/her health full time causes the most dangerous and high risk depression.
These were some caused of depression, hope you find it informative and will try to be or keep away from all these caused of depression,
fantastic and helpfull
Thanks for the post.
Would like to add that being in awareness of your own worthiness and acting upon your own values would be of a great benefits and help mitigating depression.
geat article about depression. really good written and informative :)
@jimmykhan thank you