How to Yoga - Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose IIsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago

Good day, Steemians!

I have a star in the sky...but I miss the little lamp unlit in my house. - Rabindranath Tagore

I have lots to improve in 2017...
good thing I like getting better at stuff!
My mental posture is a primary focus for myself.
I'm super grateful that I survived the darkest phase of my life,
but I still have some dysfunctional habits that lead to depressive episodes
(eating sugar, avoiding exercise, bottling up emotions like fine wines, etc),
and this shit is way too tedious and disruptive to maintain.
Plus, I live in community, so if I'm laid up for several days ruminating on
things that suck, that shit affects the whole.
Even if I keep to myself, thoughts have energy, energy is resonance,
and these vibes permeate and alter every energy field around me.
Gotta take responsibility for what I bring to the group!
In truth, I haven't taken daily asana practice for a cool minute,
and that's a super key for maintaining my spirits.
Thank god I have the power to change!
I sincerely hope that by sharing my journey, challenges, and successes,
your life is greatly improved. We're never alone!

This is Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose II

AKA Supta Padangusthasana II in Sanskrit

(supta = reclined, pada = foot, angustha = toe, asana = pose/posture)

This is super relief for the lower back.

There are so many layers to existence,
and yoga can go as deep as you need.
Ailments and dis-ease in the body have energetic bases.
Treat the physical symptoms, and the root problem
will continue to manifest in another form.
Address the energy behind the form,
and you can eradicate the discomfort for good.

The lower back represents a perceived lack of support,
particularly financial support.

It's super sweet to have a stretch that can alleviate tightness in this area,
and you can take this pose on the material level
and leave it at that if you wish - it's super relaxing,
and it works.
If you want more, you can meditate on your support structure
and see what comes up.

This pose is also beneficial for sciatica pain and menstrual discomfort,
and it strengthens the knees and hips.
It's a staple for my restorative practices, when I'm
focused on deep relaxation and relief rather than power and strength.


  •  Get yourself into reclining hand to big toe pose I - 
    • Lay on the back.
    • Inhale and draw the knee to the chest. That can feel nice to hold for a bit, so hang out here if you're into it.
    • Exhale and extend the leg.
    • Grasp the big toe or foot. You can hold the ends of a strap or belt looped around the foot if #1 you don't reach the toe, or #2 you want to hold this pose for awhile.
    • Draw the toe towards the head. Wherever the stretch feels luscious is the exact place to maintain.
  • After a few breaths in this first position, drop the foot out to the side.
  • Turn the head the opposite direction.
  • You can bend the knee instead of fully extending the leg.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

💛 Sara!
thank you to the ever lovely @everlove for the photo


I love these little reminders to take care of my body. Thank you @saramiller !

I forgot to mention that it's like extended hand to toe pose, only you're laying down.

Also, here's a nice song for yoga fun:

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