How to YOGA - A Pose A Day: Child's Pose

in #health8 years ago

Good day, Steemians!

I'm really grateful to be with you today.

There's so much to learn! There's so much to do! 

There's so much to change, and what a blessing it is that change is possible!


I want to offer something valuable in thanks 

for the inspiration and enrichment you've brought to my life:

Yoga has gifted me countless treasures, so I bring yoga to share with you.

This is Child's Pose

AKA Balasana in Sanskrit

(bala = child, asana = pose/posture)

You are not too cool to get in this "easy" pose.

I used to think that child's pose showed weakness,

and I fought against dropping to my knees in ashtanga - 

until I got so lightheaded I had no choice but to fall to the ground.

Then I gave thanks for the full, unfailing support of the Earth

and looked at my ego's "failure".

Child's pose ignites a paradigm shift.

Child's pose doesn't judge.

Child's pose is nurturing.

Child's pose is basic.

Child's pose is surrender. 

Surrender challenges me - I do NOT like to lose. 

But I learned

surrender is not "loss".

surrender is not "giving up".

surrender is not "defeat".

Surrender is letting go.

Surrender honors a higher power and a greater purpose.

Surrender shows the loud, limited ego how to cool it

so the body/mind can receive the Spirit. 

Surrender is ishvara pranidhana, where perspective changes 

from "what can I get out of this?" to

"what can I offer?"

This is not a competition - this is a present.


  • From kneeling on all fours, push sit bones back towards heels.
  • Extend arms in front of you. 
  • Rest your third eye on the ground.
  • Drop everything.

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Emerge rested, relaxed, and recreated when you are ready. 

You can always come back.

💛 Sara! 


I love how you share yourself, @saramiller. May many benefit from this post and all you have to share. Thank god for Sara!

Thank you @everlove ~ may many benefit!

just come across your post - will follow as I am interested in yoga but never attempted it - so can learn bit by bit

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