Solution to severe pain in the neck

in #health6 years ago

In today's era, almost everyone has to work on the computer and work on the table and work on the neck. The result of which is known as the headache, shoulder and hand gesture. It is a common problem in almost every room. And those who wear laptop bags on their shoulders or backs, they need to say that the pain is a few times more than that. In fact, the causes of this pain are mostly in case of wrongdoing during work. But yes, if someone has a problem of spondylosis or spinal cord, then the matter is bigger, meaning that the problem of pain is over. However, if the work was done for a long time in this post, pain problems continued to increase gradually. So for those who are suffering from pain problems in the neck, it is easy for some simple solutions-

  1. From the neck or shoulder pain, the pain is gradually named. Those who are suffering from this problem, they will not be able to sewing a long time, pressing the tube well, taking a bucket of heavy loads or hinging something heavy, sitting on the floor, doing clothes like cloth. Do not overload your neck or hand. Keep the curry on the floor, bruised and spiced on the ground for a long time, keep it away temporarily. This increases the pressure on the neck and shoulders.

  2. Do not sit continuously, study, sit in the office of a computer, sit in the way of totality. Occasional incidence of incontinence. But in the office to change the posture, do not sit on the feet and sit in the chair. It is best that after one hour of work, after a five-minute break, he got up and walked, screaming in the eye.

  3. Reading tables should be placed on a high altitude computer or LCD screen (eg television) to the height of the eye. This is the scientific rule.

  4. Get up or down the seat in the office work or stretch a little body or exercise your neck.

  5. Use low pillow when showering. Many people have a habit, pillows above two or three pillars, elevated under the head. It causes pain to bind the spinal cord from the neck. So if you have high levels of sleeping habits, change them.

  6. Uneven road traffic and jerk increase the intensity of pain. Buson in the front of the car or bus. Risks will take less.

  7. Do not drive cars or bicycles at this time.

  8. During the long walks of the car, sometimes the vehicle should stop and walk down, cut the muscles of the muscles and turn it on again.

  9. If the pain is more, give the doctor a fortune. Maybe your personal caller may be needed. However, after pain reduction, exercise only. Other problems will increase.


A common but very dangerous and slow killing pain ......u explained it very well ......and this is being ignored by everyone till they become perfect victims....thanks alot for ua info @sangeeta

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