Eyes- care for them

in #health6 years ago

Eyes, counted among the sense organs is one of the most unique powers that the almighty has blessed with. We have to be thankful that we can see and enjoy what beauty mother nature has created for us. I cannot imagine my life if I didn't have the power to see my surroundings.
Image source : https://bit.ly/2F1Drne

I have completed eye sight but still I cannot walk a few steps in dark without getting bumped on to something. I am immensely proud of people who are blind by birth and are independent. It takes much efforts.

We should take good care of the eyes that we are blessed with. Watching tele for long time, polluted air, smoke and dust can hamper our eye sight. People often complain about myopi, hypermetropia, itchy and watery eyes etc and all these can be results of telivision and straining our eyes by exposing it to excessive or no light at all. Our simple carelessness can cause unirrepairable damages to our eyes.

With care we should also ensure to have a good eye friendly diet for the better health of our eyes. Vitamin A rich food are great for eyes. Green leafy veggies, carrots, beetroots, apple, papaya etc would help a lot in maintaining good eyes.

People should ensure that quit eye damaging habits like exposing eyes to telivision light for a very long time or reading in no adequate light. Smoking is injurious to health and is no good for your eyes too.

Ayurveda suggests that you should give a good oil massage to your scalp at least once a week to ensure your eye sight doesn't diminish.

We should also donate our eyes so that someone in need can make use of these beautiful gift from the creator when we don't actually need them.


Steady @Samysamy, thankful to the omnipotent is easy. Close your eyes for 5 minutes and you will feel the loss of a favor given by God to us.
And reopen, thank God to God.

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dear @samysamy, That is great thinking.
If everyone would think like you

dear @samysamy, That is great thinking.
If everyone would think like you we may have a better world i think. Great post didi. Thanks for your sharing dear. many many good wishes for you.

Info yang Bagus @samysamy ini akan berguna buat orang lain @samysamy

Good Info @samysamy this will be useful for others @samysamy

We should take good care of the eyes.......
Upvote me....

Post @samysamy will i resteem please at @samysamy check

Dear @samysamy mam. Your are right. Eyes is one of the most unique powers that the Almighty has blessed with .. We don't know We don't often give our eyes as much thought as we should, that is until something goes wrong and our vision is affected. But when you learn more about eyes, you realize just how amazing they are..Your thinking is great mam. I agree with you that We should also donate our eyes so that someone in need can make use of these .. Keep going mam.. I liked your thinking. Best wishes for you.

Thanks for sharing good information @samysamy

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