in #health6 years ago (edited)


A girl came to me complaining that her boyfriend is not being romantic and doesn't even like coming close to her at all ''we barely see: we mostly talk on phone'' She exclaimed! Then, i asked her when this issue started. She said since the onset of their relationship. She further said that this problem increased the day she kissed him. She further said that she thinks it is either her boyfriend is gay or she has spiritual problems. Behold, all this while, as she was talking to me, the offensive catastrophic odour emanating from her mouth was on a 360 degrees level; it almost killed me. Initially, i was just covering my nose in a sagacious way; but when it became so unbearable, i told her ''my dear, u don't need any prophet to tell you your problem. I have seen and perceived all your problems'' without any further ado, i unveiled to her that the problem is her mouth odour and the more she is trying to kiss her boyfriend, the more her relationship is breaking. She felt embarrassed (as expected by me). But, i had to tell her the truth to save her future marriage. She succumbed to my advice and today, her relationship with her boyfriend has led to a happy married life.!!!

My fams, this is no joke, what could be so humiliating and embarrassing than mouth odour? It is even worse when the persons possessing the mouth odours don't even know about it (Nobody would want to come close). Mouth odour has led to broken relationships, broken homes, and has caused environmental pollution (air pollution to be precise) in our Society because it makes the people around uncomfortable; some won't say it because they don't want the mouth-odoured-person to feel embarrased. And sometimes, i wonder if the mouth-odoured-persons don't perceive it or they are used to the smell because that was how they were brought up or maybe it is really spiritual as my female friend assumed. Well, i feel for such people because i believe they've been tagged with bad names. But there is hope. There is no problem without a solution. Now let us learn together:

To me, i believe there are two reasons for stinking mouth: it could be (1) bacterial infections or (2) you are not brushing properly.

Are you aware that when you brush your mouth with Normal Cooking Salt NaCl, it kills some germs and worms hiding in your mouth or teeth? Yes it does! Just place it on your tooth brush in lieu of your toothpaste, put little water in your mouth, then brush properly; the front and back of your teeth, your tongue and the roof of your mouth. After thorough brushing, then apply your TOOTHPASTE and follow the same brushing procedure earlier stipulated. Then, rinse your mouth properly with enough water.

Please, i would advise you purchase for yourself a MouthWash Liquid. You can get it from the mini market, supermarket or a shopping mall. Trust me, it is not expensive. It keeps your mouth fresh all day long and also kills germs. Just use it to rinse your mouth before and after brushing.

It is always hygienic when you brush in the morning before eating and in the evening when you are done eating to prevent germs accumulating in your mouth till the next day. PLEASE THE GREATEST PRODUCER OF BAD SMELL IS YOUR TONGUE, BRUSH IT PROPERLY UNTIL ITS COLOUR CHANGES FROM WHITE TO LIGHT RED. BRUSH IT PROPERLY UNTIL YOU FEEL REFRESHED!!!

Bacteria are scared of water. So when you rinse your mouth with enough water, drinking enough water and eat fruits and vegetables that contain water such as watermelon, water-leaf/pumpkin leaf or drinking water coconut water, etc before and after eating, i believe your mouth has won the battle against those bacteria causing mouth odour.

It may sound diabolic and primitive but it's not. Get charcoal (not hot), use it to scrub your teeth and your tongue; it cleans both, kills germs and makes your teeth whiter. (Tested and trusted)

This involves removing food and plaque (an accumulation of biofilm or bacteria on the teeth) from one's teeth using dental floss. A floss is any thread-like material having parallel strands that are not spun or wound around each other used to clean the area between the teeth. This is very easy. It removes those particles and bacteria hanging between your teeth. This is preferably done before brushing. It is the first step.

Change your tooth brush once in every three months. If you are using your toothbrush properly, between three months, it should have been worn out (this would also avoid injury). Also, make sure the mouth of the toothbrush is wide enough to scrub very well and the handle is long enough for proper insertion.

Please make sure you press enough tooth paste on your toothbrush for even distribution and adequate usage and freshness.

I just pray this my little knowledge and advise would be of help to those who need it.
Well even if you are not a victim of mouth odour and you have more helping ideas, you could drop your comments to help others. Thanks for reading!


You have explained well. Thanks for the post. If I use mouthwash, will there be no harm?

Thanks. There is no no harm using mouth wash At all.


I appreciate your support. Thanks

Hahahahahhahaha....i cant stop loughing. But truth be told, before you conclude on why you get any feed back from people against you, also check if you need to take note of somthing.

You are very correct. Thanks for checking and support.

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