Testimonial: Fibromyalgia

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Peggy came to me with fibromyalgia that had started after chemotherapy, but before we detoxed the chemo drugs (which she’s finishing doing right now) we detoxed hormone disrupters she had been exposed to. We do this as hormone disrupters can cause a lack of vitality (adrenal fatigue etc) which in turn can block healing.

I’m not sure either of us were expecting the profound and rapid results she got from detoxing glyphosate (which is a hormone disrupter she’d been repeatedly exposed to in her gardening practices). She’d had non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which is incidentally one of the cancers thought to be associated with glyphosate.

Her current treatment now involves a daily remedy I give to patients who’ve had cancer or have a family history of cancer among a number of family members. She’s also finishing chemo detoxes as notes above. I’m interested to discover what’s changed when I see her in January.


*What’s fibromyalgia, risk factors & how to treat it: http://sallylloydhomeopathy.com/risk-factors-and-recovering-from-fibromyalgia/

Sally 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


Chemotherapy has a 97% failure rate the only reason doctors prescribe it is profit. They buy the treatment at $5,000 then sell it at $12,000. Cancer is a holistic phenomenon & therefore should be treated holistically. Both Chemo & radiation are reductionist treatments. Doctors are like colour blind art critics when it comes to this they see the picture but not the colour. I wouldn't take either treatment they kill all the good cells as well as the bad.

Yes @professorhobo, I’m not sure the failure rate is that high but cancer is an immune system disorder. The person’s immune system stops being able to mop up and destroy rogue cells. Chemo and radio both destroy the immune system further. If people survive the chemo & radio and then also the cancer they often die of secondary cancers that develop all over the body because their immune system is even less able to mop up these cells.
Everything people do to fight cancer (alkaline diets etc) needs to continue when they are in remission and they need to do a lot of work to raise their immune functioning.
We resolve conditions with homeopathy by raising the immune system to a stage before their problem was triggered and try to keep their health at that higher level.
Homeopathy is therefore an ideal way to recover from cancer treatments. Also, The Banerji Homeopathy clinic in India has a really excellent rate of positive outcomes in cancer treatment.
We are legally prevented from claiming that homeopathy can treat cancer so you’ll not hear about it in many places.

No you wont hear about many alternative therapys, Would recommend everybody at least look at the options on the table There is choice out there ...Hemp oil,.. Master mineral solution,.. Gerson Natural Therapy,.. Antineoplastins,.. Pancreatic enzymes,.. Salve treatments,.. Energy Healing,.. Life One,.. Cesium Chloride,.. Essiac Tea,.. Beta Glucan,.. Maitake mushroom,.. Laetrile,.. Carctol,.. Dichloroacetic Acid,.. Dendritic Cell Therapy,.. Iscador,..
17 alternative cures all worth a good look.

Very interesting post. I had no idea you could detox from glyphosate. Amazing results.

Yes, and many other things.
I’ve seen some great results detoxing steroids in particular. We use the substance itself in tiny doses, homeopathically prepared into an antidote/detoxing remedy. It’s a good way to resolve drug side effects.
Thanks for your comment @mother2chicks

What really surprised me was how much pain relief she got from her fibromyalgia as a result of the detox. Great work. I am sure she is very happy about that.

Yeah! We weren’t expecting that! She thought the cause was chemo & we just had to tick this glyph detox off first (and like she says, she’d been hearing about glyph and thyroid problems and she was happy to get rid of it!).
Seems the cause was glyph rather than the chemo! Possibly it was also the cause of her cancer. Seems like a big coincidence otherwise.
Who cares? No pain = a massive gain. Wonderful stuff!

No small feat glyph is a very over used toxin. There are many reasons to believe it could have contributed to a cancer. Thank you for your response. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year xx

My worst fear when we follow up is being told nothing happened. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so there’s always a little tension release for me when I hear things happened. This one required a bit of air punching. 😄

that stuff is so destructive 😥

You are so correct.

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