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RE: A Day In The Life of a Homeopath - June 2017

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Interesting re the oxylates. I have a similar case with high oxylates coming down [sand like in the stool] and high yeast. He's done well on poly bowel + candida ... but hadn't thought of using oxalic acid in potency. He also has most of his work to do in the metals detox. He's just returned to eczema, which he had when small [suppressed with steroids] and we've managed to resolve it with psorinum. However, mum has now decided to return to chelation [ACC] alongside homeopathy rather than move to the metals detox. I'm not sure what that's about. Another case with SO many interventions going on at the same time and great difficulty making head and tail of it all. Sigh. Also, many anxious contacts. She believes the remedies are causing a problem with green diarrhoea and she is contacting me quite agitated and upset. It turned out to be one of the new substances she'd just added. I'm almost at the end of my patience with it as it is so hard to do a good job under those circumstances and we are so close to the really useful work. I realised I was feeling vulnerable as I feel set up to fail under these circumstances.
I took from your post an intention to not feel necessarily responsible for the outcomes in such cases. The cases I have that work really well are the ones where the parents are keeping it simple. Then we see wonderful gains like those you describe above.


Yeah, I had to compose myself not to just say 'sorry, you're fired' to that case... I've a reputation to maintain ;)

Re: Oxalates, I'm going to be trying more Oxalic Acid & Urtica Urens for it over the next few months

urtica urens I associate with gout - uric acid build-up in the joints, and the kinds of rheumatism people used to treat by whipping themselves with nettles. You think oxalates are involved here too?

It's in the repertory under 'oxalates'

'the' repertory? Is that Morrisons?

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