Male Boobs : Types, Causes and Treatments Available

in #health5 years ago

This health condition in males is explained as enlargement of breast tissues. This is additionally known as gynecomastia condition. This occurs due to hormonal changes or results of extreme levels of women hormones such as estrogen as compared to male hormones known as androgens.

What are the reasons behind male boobs?

There are several causes behind this condition such as certain medications, diseases, obesity, and low levels of testosterone hormones. The medicines that are responsible for this condition include corticosteroids, stress-relief, medications, antibiotics, for example, tea tree oil and lavender. A recent study also reveals that overexercise also leads to gynecomastia condition. Majority of doctors demonstrate that this condition can automatically cure over time. But you need to follow some precautions in order to reduce the risk of the serious condition.

What are the symptoms of this male boobs condition?

There are various symptoms of male boobs such as painful nipple or breast. But some boys or males notice some other signs, for example, a breast bud in one or both breasts. This symptom is common in boys during the puberty and stays for 3 three even after the puberty. This condition is also responsible for breast cancer in males, this cancer condition is associated with nipple discharge and enlarged lymph nodes under the arms. Another sign is explained as swelling of breast or around nipples.

Types of male boobs condition

There are 7 types of this condition that are explained as below include-:

  • Type 1-: This condition is explained as swelling around nipples. This type of male boobs can only be treated with the surgical procedure.
  • Type 2-: This type is associated with an excess amount of glandular tissue in the breast. In this condition, your chest may look tight or fatty. This only needs gynecomastia treatment such as some types of medications or surgical procedure.
  • Type 3-: This is a type which includes breast sagging.
  • Type 4-: This is the type in which you notice more sagging skin or large breasts. This condition can be cured by a surgical process in order to remove excess fat and reduce the number of glandular tissues.
  • Type 5-: This gynecomastia type is explained as extreme breast tissue formed below the chest fold. Majority of people take medicines with the goal to treat this condition.
  • Type 6-: This type is the most extreme and hurtful type of gynecomastia in which the breasts droop below the chest fold which may extend toward the back. This condition is treated with medications that are essential for male boobs reduction.
  • Type 7-: This is the type which includes extreme sagging of male breast.

Treatment for Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition which can be treated with the help of medications such as Clomiphene. This is the condition which can also be treated with surgical procedures such as Testosterone replacement and gynecomastia surgery. You should converse with your doctor as soon as possible in order to get proper treatment on time. Because sometimes this condition cannot be treated with only medications.

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