
Yep :)

I'm probably going to write another article about that specifically. Any point you want me to add?

Sure, @Shayne I have taken DMT but it's really hard to explain it. The experience was very confounding because you physically feel like you are in another place, I took the N,N DMT in South America. I know it's found in many plants, animals and our brain produces it. It was a very spiritual journey. Even though it was over 10 years ago when I last did it, I still think about it because when you break through to this other place (dimension) you are greeted by these beings that are happy to see you! The experience all but lasted no more than 7min max, and then your back to normal, meaning your not bonked out or anything. You have prob. heard of Terrence McKenna he was one of the pioneers of DMT. You seem very spiritual and not talking about DMT, just in general from your videos. Looking forward to your post on it.

Alright. Thank you. I've done a little research on DMT and have thought about doing it myself, as it seems very different from other drugs, but haven't because it's super hard to get a hold of and I don't know how to do it lol

I'll keep your info in mind.

This is where he explains it in 10 minutes

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